Chapter 29

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Ava grasped a piece of slick plastic, drenched in a hardened shell from globes of black paint

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Ava grasped a piece of slick plastic, drenched in a hardened shell from globes of black paint. She frantically surveyed the area, but darkness shrouded her sight. Where am I?

She shivered, chills ran up her spine, goosebumps spread across her skin. That feeling of an empty void. Why of all places? She squeezed down on the chair, again. It moved in waves beneath her hands. She jerked back and knocked a soft object off her head.

A spotlight from above flashed on, exposing the treachery sitting on her lap. It was an Amaranthine's crown, dyed in black with a gold tree crest stitched on the side. No one in the royal court wore this color, so then who wore this crown?

"That's yours, isn't it?"

A second spotlight flipped on, exposing a figure, dressed from head to toe in the darkest of midnight's colors. From only a few feet away, he leaned forward in a metal chair, coated in raw material of makeshift screws and parts. He tipped the fedora and greeted her with a crude smile. The Reaper.

"That's if you want it. I can make your wish come true for a price." His sinister voice reached like a whisper in her ear.

Of course, there was always a price. "No, thanks. I'm not that desperate."

"Suit yourself." He snapped his fingers, turning the crown into a large demon snake.

Ava screamed, pushed it off in a hurry, climbed up the throne to get as far away from it as possible. Snakes were just as bad as needles with their fangs full of poison. I hate them. I hate them with a passion.

The Reaper chuckled in his hand, peeking between his fingers. Her fear compelled him and drove her into rage. The snake slithered back, its eyes dark as coal, hypnotizing her through its hissing tongue. Except this time she was prepared. This is just a dream.

Ava imagined a hunter's knife, a long slick blade, sharp as her own, dark as night. It appeared in her hand, only such a knife could in a dream. With one fell swoop, she stabbed the blade straight into its body. The snake slashed, hissing, snapping at her, until it finally disintegrated into nothing, along with the knife.

The Reaper slowly clapped. "You are entertaining, indeed."

She glanced around the room. There had to be a way out of here. A door, a window, anything to escape from. But she found nothing, only four dark walls. She only had one option left: run.

Ava hopped onto the seat and jumped over the chair onto the floor. Her feet carried her through the darkness, while a spotlight followed each step perfectly. She didn't look back. She refused to look back, refused to give him that satisfaction.

His laughter consumed the room, twisted her soul.

Footsteps tapped from behind with jolly in their walk. "There's nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. If you stop running, you're going to die."

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