Chapter 35

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Doku. Doku. Doku.

That word struck Ava's mind on repeat, like a plague, feeding on her soul. It was in her veins, on her hair, and in her skin. She couldn't take a shower without feeling the difference in temperature. The water went hot one moment, then cold the next, until it finally reached a lukewarm temperature.

Then the cycle started all over again.

Doku. Doku. Doku.

The word weighed heavy on her heart. The curse mark was worse. She'd never seen it this bad. Cracks broke the dark perfect lines and characters apart, it was hardly readable.

Breathe in... Breathe out...

After zipping her combat jacket, Ava dried her hair and dug through the gray bathroom drawers until she found bobby pins randomly stashed away. Her eyebrows scrunched in as she pinned her bangs back with anger.

The jacket was suffocating. Every time she breathed, the zipper pressed against her stomach. It got to the point where she stopped and stared at her reflection.

Doku. Doku. Doku.

Marc's necklace dangled along her neck. The weight of its pendant suffocated her further when she remembered Mika's soft lips and his hot touch. The way he dug his fingers through her hair, and those eyes. God, those tender eyes.

This was all his fault.

Ava acted on instinct. He was there. He was ready to kiss her, and she took the plunge. And now here she was, confused as fuck and left with ghostly memories. Mika just had to be another Ama prince. Worse, that he was the god of death. She shouldn't be thinking about him. She shouldn't trust him.

But then again, he asked for her help.

Ava went into her closet and yanked open the drawer full of deadly gadgets. Her favorite hunter's knife sat on top of all the rest, waiting to be used. It weighed heavy in her palm and on her thigh as she slipped it into the holster. She'd take more weapons, but she didn't want to weigh herself down too much.

Ava glanced at the uniforms embedded watch. She had eight minutes to spare. There was a knock at her door. As luck would have it, it seemed someone else would be wasting her eight minutes of silence.

Mika stood at the threshold, decked out in his UFE uniform. Just seeing him made her anxiety diminish, and she hated that. He shouldn't have this much effect over her in such a short period of time.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. Without a word, he walked past and into her room. "We only have eight minutes left. I suggest you use it wisely."

"I am," he said. "We need to talk."

Reluctantly, Ava shut the door but refrained from locking it.

It was surreal, watching him stand near her window. The warmth from the late afternoon sun shined on him, depicting him as an angel and not the devil in disguise. Now that she knew he was the god of death, he seemed different—like she didn't know this Mika.

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