Chapter 38

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Cold droplets tickled Ava's fingers

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Cold droplets tickled Ava's fingers. She floated in nothingness. Sometimes she was lost in a void of emptiness. There was no light, no way out, and yet, there was no fear. It was nice and safe, peaceful, drifting without a destination in mind.

A bright sun slowly dimmed in the distance. Its warmth pulled Ava in with its own gravitational force. Her bones cooked under a beautiful hue of oranges, reds, violets, and all the shades of blues, creating both a breathtaking sunrise and sunset. She reached out.

The paint shot out and grabbed her arms. One after the other, it slithered up her skin, turned into hands. They dragged Ava in. The sun turned into a dark haven, into a neverending nightmare.

She felt numb. She felt fear. She felt everything at once. A chilly breath on the night. The calm before a storm. Her body froze stiff. No. This can't be happening. I can't be dead!

The hands pulled her into a black hole.

I don't want to die!

"Ava, Ava, Ava," they chanted. "Doku, Doku, Doku."

Stop! No!

The Reaper grasped her waist. He squeezed unmercifully with those impeccable black gloves. The hands desperately clung to her but it was no match against this new strength. He placed one foot on the hole and ripped Ava free, relief flooded her for only a brief moment.

Ava drifted close to the Reaper and his chilling eyes. Through space they traveled alone, his hair floating in tangent with hers. He really did save her. He upheld his end of the contract. A part of her wished he didn't, now she'd have to uphold hers.

With a smile, he tossed Ava back into the sea of stars, and was instantly pulled into a new current. It was so fast there was no time to take a breath or utter a single word. The universe ran by, zipped her past planets and space rocks. She was going too fast. She had no idea how much time passed, the direction, or what solar system she was in.

Her body hit an invisible wall of stars. New hands tugged on her, pulled at all parts of her body, until she finally broke through the elastic exterior. The hands let her go.

And she dropped.

The sky turned from night into day as she whipped around. Wind threatened to force her into never-ending somersaults until she reached the plush clouds. She stretched her arms out. White mist feathered her skin. When she broke through the clouds, islands floated nearby. Spider-like equipment plowed through fields full of luscious rainbow colored plants and what looked like wheat.

Birds flew by in the distance, grew larger the closer they came. Their wings soared through the sky the size of a two-person spacecraft. Ava ducked before getting her head nipped off. The wind flipped her over and over until she stared at the sky. There was a giant blue planet above the clouds.

Another gust of wind flipped her back and forth. This time, she looked down towards her demise and found a planet full of thriving trees closing in quick. Ava braced for impact, covered her face with both arms and prayed to the stars.

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