Chapter 26

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Ava gasped awake, clenching her head in desperation

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Ava gasped awake, clenching her head in desperation. A gruesome ache throbbed through her brain in tiny jackhammer rhythms, pounded into her nose. It wouldn't stop. That chick was dead, and nothing about her death would be quick.

The more Ava struggled, the further the bed's black, silky sheets bound her. She was tangled in their web. Panicking, she thrashed around, tried to get out from under this twisted cocoon, only to end up falling off the bed once she did.

A deep throb stabbed at her left thigh. Why does this hurt so much? She clenched her teeth to suppress the agonizing cry lodged in her throat. If her kidnappers didn't know she was awake, Ava certainly didn't want them knowing now.

This room was huge. Like the sheets, it was decorated in a dark, elegant theme, modern meets chic with stiff-looking furniture and a small bar built-in to the wall. The floors were surprisingly warm, slick and smooth as opaque glass stretched to and up one wall.

When Ava moved to stand, her head throbbed. She gently touched the side, trying to focus on the bed, anything but the pain and ringing in her ears. She grasped her dress, quickly finding no dress. There were short sleeves on either side of her arms, pants pressed down her legs. Someone changed her clothes.

Gasp. My necklace. Marc's necklace, I mean. Where is it!

Ava checked each pocket, looked inside her bra. Even her underwear was different. She didn't have time to think about that right now. She needed to find that necklace. Her leg knocked into the nightstand amidst the chaos, and hissed between her teeth. The pain was scorching, twisting the muscles.

A loud thunk hit the ground. Oh, thank the stars There it is.

She snatched the necklace off the floor and clasped it around her neck. Safe and sound, hidden back under her shirt.

Through weak knees, Ava gripped the nightstand. It was the only way to keep balance. There was a small flat circle protruding from the wall by a white door. That had to be a monitor. The walls were covered in the same creamy white, so hideous it twisted her insides.

One step forward and Ava lost her balance completely. She slammed into the opaque wall beside her bed, waking it from its slumber. Images flashed across the glass like it was a screen all on its own.

Each image had its own persona: movies, cartoons, and the UFE's broadcasting channel. Earth's temperature from all parts of the world—from names of major cities no longer standing. They hacked into the UFE satellites, but nothing about her whereabouts.

Only one image stood out among the rest.

Ava tapped the screen, and it instantly enlarged before her eyes. In a shocking blast, twenty more similar screens popped up and spread across the glass. Each one broadcasted a different image: burned floating statues, people throwing bombs into buildings, and cylinder objects electrifying their targets, civilians and soldiers alike. White uniforms everywhere.

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