Chapter 11

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The demon man's laughter rang in Ava's head like a haunting mirage

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The demon man's laughter rang in Ava's head like a haunting mirage. Her shoulder ached over the exact spot where he stabbed her. There was no wound, but a phantom pain still lingered on. She rubbed it, hoping to spirit it away.

The skin wasn't sensitive like any newly grown skin would be, and her clothes were normal. No stab wound on her hand. No blood on her forehead, although she felt groggy. It was as if it never happened and the dream was just a nightmare.

And maybe it was. Maybe she was just mentally losing it with all these stories and stress. She'd rather that be the case then accept this was real.

The gods are coming for you.

Sam groaned, nuzzling his head further into the crook of her neck, tickling her skin with his feathery hair. She fell asleep here. Ava told herself she'd leave after she calmed down, but after the second movie, she couldn't keep her eyes open. Ava was more shocked Marc never woke her up.

When the morning sun broke through the clouds, rays hit the glass monitor, showering rainbows and dust floating about. It was blinding. There was a strong scent of watermelon mixing with sizzling bacon and warmed bread. Her stomach growled.

Sam shifted, pulled the blanket closer. His body heat warmed her bones. It felt nice to cuddle with someone. She couldn't remember the last time she did. Staying like this for a few more minutes wouldn't hurt. She'd consider it therapeutic.

Ava closed her eyes and let the calm wash over.

A crash forced her awake. The sound of a stainless steel bowl swirled around the floor in the kitchen until it came to a complete stop. Mika cursed under his breath and stepped quickly to turn on the sink. Another set of footsteps languidly came from the hallway.

"I'm surprised they're still asleep with all the noise you're making," Darious said, his voice sounding even more silvery as he spoke in the Ama tongue.

Mika scoffed as he cracked eggs into the sizzling in the pan. "Apparently, Ava is a heavy sleeper. She once slept while the planet shook—it's what Gio told me."

"That's the first time you used her name. Don't tell me you're growing attached to her as well."

"I'm not. And I've used her name before."

"To me, you haven't."

An awkward silence fell between them. They seemed really close. Eggs sizzled in the background as Darious sighed and took out the silverware and plates.

"The end of the war will be here soon. It could be in six months or a year. We're not sure. But after this is over, we'll be going back home and acting like this never happened. So don't get attached."

"Are you saying that to me? Or more for yourself?" Mika taunted him.

Darious set a dish down with brute force and clanged with the tabletop. "Don't get cheeky with me now," he teased, "but I will admit, she is attractive."

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