Chapter 12

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No. This wasn't right. This wasn't possible. Ava grabbed her head, tried to make sense of it all, but panic rose up and spread like a disease through her mind.

I can't breathe.

Her heart ached, pounded against her chest—in her head. This wasn't real. This couldn't be happening.

I can't breathe.

The room spun, became cloudy, and Junipea just laid there, watching Ava with those same honeydew eyes. Those same wild curls. Her throat closed when she saw the knife embedded in his stomach. She was drowning on air.

I can't breathe.

There was red blood—his blood—everywhere on her hands. Ava frantically rubbed at it, but it wouldn't come off. It was everywhere. On her arms, on her clothes, and even the floor, staining the marble. It soaked into the cracks, dripped from his chin just like that day on the battlefield.

I can't breathe.

Ava went stiff. Cool mint creeped through her veins like ice. The back of her neck warmed—it burned. She pulled at her hair, tore into her skin. She was turning to ice. It hurt and she couldn't stop it. She just wanted to rip this curse mark off so bad.

The window cracked, blooming split marble beneath them. It was exactly like two years ago when Ava lost control. She squeezed her arms, trying to hold it in, but the beast pushed and shoved. It wanted to come out and play.

Breathe in...

Stale air invaded her lungs, smelling of iron and desperation. She clung to every single particular, hoping this would be enough to calm herself.

The curse mark hit her like a ton of bricks. It burned into her brain. She coughed up blood, slipped further away. She was losing control.

The curse mark was becoming undone. Her breathing technique wasn't working. She had nothing left to keep the darkness away.

But why should I when it feels this great.

Junipea grabbed Ava by the arms and roughly shook her. Her vision cleared. With each passing breath, her head cleared. She relaxed, slouching over as she tried putting back the pieces of her sanity.

No matter how much she wished for this to be true, for Junipea to be alive, she knew deep in her heart this was impossible. Junipea was dead. Ava saw him die with her own two eyes. She watched his corpse burn in the crematorium. Gio scattered his ashes in the ocean when they said their goodbyes.

So then who am I sitting on top of?

With a grunt, Junipea yanked the knife out of his stomach and dropped the blade on the floor. It clattered around like the time Ava dropped her Bō on the tile floor at home and refused to look at it for months.

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