Chapter 21

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Harry's eyes went wide as he slipped his headphones off

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Harry's eyes went wide as he slipped his headphones off. "Whoa, when did you guys get here? Don't tell me the whole entourage is—"

Ava shoved him off to the side. She swiftly typed across the glass panel, tapping on one of the three screens and zoomed out. The first one she brought up sported the UFE logo, its background screen categorized the files in numerical order. It'd take months before she'd find anything this way.

"Here, let me do a word search." Harry scooched her out of the way. His fingers were quick to move, typing out the obvious words first, AVA and Aegis Vitale Armament and Earth's General. When none worked, he searched Ava's name. Still nothing.

God, why isn't this working? It was at the tip of her fingers. She felt it. She almost had it. There had to be a file with her birth record in here somewhere. There was no doubt in her mind, one of these tablets had her data on it. And then it hit her.

"Search my birthday," Ava said. He typed it in. Still nothing. She leaned closer, stared the screen down. "Search the day after my birthday."

"New Year's Day?"

"I was supposed to be born on the first. Not the 31st," she said. "If the rebellion never happened, then I would've been born on time. Instead, I was born a day early."

Quickly, he typed it in: 01.01.2162.

A zipped folder popped up. But only one.

Gio grasped Ava's shoulder. He stood beside her, looking over Harry's head. This was it. This had to be it. She squeezed Gio's hand as Harry unlocked it, and when he finally got it open, her heart dropped and so did her hand.

There was nothing inside.

The folder was empty.


The folder was EMPTY.



Her chest clenched, and this time, it felt like she might have a heart attack.

Gio leaned into Harry's chair and pointed at the screen. "Check the other tablets. Maybe that one's just missing the files."

Ava shook her head and walked away. She already knew the files wouldn't be there. The tablets were all connected under one system. If the files weren't on one tablet, then they wouldn't be on the others. Her hands trembled. Her whole body ached.

Breathe in... Breathe out...

It was happening again, just like last time when she lost control of herself. She had to keep it together. It'd be okay. Just because they couldn't find the birth record here, didn't mean it wasn't somewhere else. It didn't mean the information was gone forever. She had to keep believing it was out there somewhere. It was the only way she'd stay sane.

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