Chapter 34

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The Reaper stood centimeters away, reeking with a dark chill

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The Reaper stood centimeters away, reeking with a dark chill. It pierced through Ava's clothes and into her back. Just like those nightmares, like the times he tried to kill her. Worse, Mika wasn't fazed by his sudden appearance.

She swiped the Bō out of Mika's grip and swung it behind her. It passed through a haze of the Reaper's body. He vanished, but the bastard was still here. She felt it. The hairs rose on her arms. Rage burned through her sharp gaze.

The Reaper's haunting voice surrounded them. "Really, Mika. Didn't I tell you one day your appetite would get us in trouble?"

To my right. A shadow flickered away like a disappearing moth.

"I hope you're satisfied," he said near the ceiling, no appearance in sight.

Ava couldn't pinpoint his exact location.

Mika tugged the Bō towards the couch. He held it on either side of her hand and tightened his grip. "I'm far from satisfied," he snapped. "When you've been no help."

"Oh? Is she the one who helped you off that ship?"

His eyes deepened a shade so dark and cold, the Reaper's hollow gaze had nothing over Mika's. When he turned his gaze to the end of the couch, his voice grew even lower as he spoke. Ava's heart quickened when it should quiver in fear.

"I told you before she could be helpful," Mika said. "Instead of being friendly for once, you torment her."

Is that why Mika wanted to be friends out of the blue? Ava couldn't believe this. She couldn't believe this was real. Mika was not only the god of death, but in cahoots with this reaper. She had to be living in a nightmare.

"She almost got you killed. We don't need her help," he hissed.

Behind me. Ava whipped around. Nothing there except the oblivious Harry typing away on his desktop. Twenty minutes would be up soon. She needed to act fast.

The Bō was swiftly yanked out of her hand. She let her guard down. Mika held the Bō behind him, resting it over the top of the couch. His arms covered it-protected it. She'd have to fight him to get it, yet she hesitated.

Mika is the god of death.

She needed to get out of here. She needed to tell the UFE about this.

The Bō vanished as quickly as it appeared. Ava got one knee off the couch before Mika pulled her back on his lap. She immediately caught the couch cushions on either side of him. The last thing she wanted was to fall on top of him.

Mika pressed the Bō on the small of her back, gliding its metal to the center, keeping her trapped. He knew she planned to run away. He really has been watching me too close.

He clenched his jaw. "We don't know what Zephyrus is doing due to your inability to track him," he said. "So, forgive me, if I find Ava to be more helpful than you right now."

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