Chapter 6

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Junipea's hand rested on Ava's and helped her play a more natural tune on this stringed instrument

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Junipea's hand rested on Ava's and helped her play a more natural tune on this stringed instrument. Her fingers eased its way over one key and then another, striking down hard on the cool ivory to make a melody, so horrendous, Junipea laughed at her shameful hot face.

Ava's gaze narrowed on his honeydew eyes. They twinkled with excitement, teasing her as he moved her hand once more. His fair freckled skin was like a blanket of stars covering her olive brown. But the longer they trained outside, the more tanned her skin became, while his skin turned red as a ripe tomato, bleaching his orange curly hair.

The keypad tonged, blaring out a disgruntled noise. Junipea grimaced. "Don't press down so hard, or you'll break the piano," he said, grabbing her hand. "Here let me show you. It's easier than you think."

"Says the master of all piano players. How did I end up letting you teach me, again?" Ava teased, but followed his lead and rested her hand on top of his and played the C major scale. It was always fun to play the imaginary and believe she could do this artsy craft.

He smiled, showing those soft dimples of his. "Because you love me."

"Ah, no. I think it's because you bribed me with a song." She smiled back.

His hand moved across the key, pressing each ivory delicately in. The melody came out from the strings and flowed into the ballroom's high ceilings. Ava's mind wandered as her fingers danced to his meandering steps. This song was gentle and soothing and tried lulling her to sleep, but it wasn't the song she wanted to hear.

When he finished, she asked, "Will you play my favorite piece, now?"

"After you do the scale."

Junipea pinched Ava's cheek like a child. She swat him away. He was only two years older than her but acted as if he were ten years her senior. It was those eyes of his. A smile may rest on his lips at all times, but he couldn't hide the darkness lingering beneath. He had seen as much evil as Ava had in the world. He had been evil just like her.

Two years made a big difference when you experienced life sooner.

Ava pressed on the C, D, E until she reached F. It was always the blasted F that had her thumb screwing itself over. She was used to having it curled or straight on the Bō, not dancing it around on table tops. Somehow, she got it right this time.

"See? Wasn't that easy." Junipea snickered, trying to not criticize her horrible playing.

Ava shook her head. "If you say so. I think it's easier to throw a knife."

He set his fingers on the keys and started playing another tune—this time a somber song. "You're always the best at knife throwing."

"The best at everything I do, you mean."

Junipea chuckled. "You're even great at killing people."

He never broke his tempo, moving his fingers across with ease. This dark emotion spread throughout the ballroom and inside Ava. "What?"

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