Chapter 7

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When Ava arrived downtown, it was sprinkling, and the air was already high with humidity

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When Ava arrived downtown, it was sprinkling, and the air was already high with humidity. She pressed her hair down, trying to tame the frizz before the wild curls sprung up, but it only made it worse. She shouldn't have worn it down today.

The square was in better shape than the night the demons invaded. The UFE cleaned up the mess, watered down the cobblestone roads. The staccato walls were brighter and wood paneling was restored. The park was cleared and free of demon dust.

Shops were open, displaying their salvaged and handcrafted merchandise behind windows and on racks outside. The place was bustling about. Chimes rang every minute, while a door squeaked nearby, desperately needing some oiled lubrication. It was as if nothing ever happened.

Move on from the past and look towards a brighter future, as Gregori said. Or as Ava thought, let's cover everything up and get back to normal. But things will never be the same.

Lights slowly illuminated in the trees, above the shops, and in the Mercado as dark rain clouds hung overhead. People were everywhere, chit chatting and shopping—their phones pointed at Ava, or rather, all of her entourage.

This was a bad idea. What was Marc thinking? Parading the twins around when they weren't officially guardians, yet. He wanted to send them home just as much as Ava.

Furious, she walked off. Marc caught her hand before she got very far. "Don't even think about it," he said. "Don't even dream about it. Today, you're not running away."

"Then explain to me how this is training," she snapped. A few passersby glanced their way, hiding behind their phones and umbrellas. It seemed Ava captured most of the attention. She glared the passerby down until they quickly left.

"I'd also like to hear this explanation." Darious strolled up with the twins right behind him. He sported another pastel blazer, this time with warm-colored clothing and that golden mask. Was it glued to his skin?

Darious glanced at their intertwined hands and narrowed his eyes. "It can't be as serious as flirting out in public when you're supposed to be practicing self-restraint."

Marc didn't let go, even when Ava tugged away. Instead, he stepped closer. Darious' frown deepened. "We've all been given special permission for physical contact. Or did you forget the agreements we established with Earth?"

"The agreements specify physical contact is only allowed in combat or training sessions. And I don't see you training or gracing each other with your swords," Darious said.

Marc tightened his grip. "Mika, come here."

Mika took his time strolling over, hands loosely hung from his fitting pants. When he reached them, he stood at a distance. There was something off about his cheery smile.

Marc pursed his lips. "I was told you both weren't getting along. Then as a training exercise, you will hold hands the entire day until you're both comfortable with each other and learn to cooperate."

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