Chapter 14

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No matter how much Ava tossed and turned, she couldn't fall asleep

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No matter how much Ava tossed and turned, she couldn't fall asleep. She'd been staring off into space for over an hour, and cursed at Marc for how uncomfortable the mattress was. This room was nothing like the one back at home. The sheets were too crisp, the furniture too stiff, and all the colors were green and browns. The Council trapped her in a fake forest with bars over the window well.

Ava's duffle bag laid on the floor after she threw it off the bed. Marc left it on her bed, while she froze her butt out in the snow. He still hadn't come to see Ava, nor apologized for bringing her there. By now, he knew she was aware the gods and reapers were real, he had to. She was still pissed.

They told each other everything, and yet, he kept the gods and reapers a secret. And for what? Who knew. But this was an ultimate betrayal. No excuse would mend this ache in her heart. Maybe it's time I stopped liking Marc. Her eyes grew wet from the thought. God, now isn't the time to cry.

Ava had to concentrate on the twins. She couldn't help imagining the worst. Horrific images flashed through her mind. She couldn't just lay here and do nothing. She should be checking on the twins. She had to make sure they were okay.

She flung the covers off and unzipped the duffle bag. Goosebumps rose on her bare legs from the coolness of the basement. She pulled on some pants to warm them back up and a clean shirt and hoodie, and searched around inside the bag, looking for a weapon. Marc would never leave her vulnerable.

Ava found a sheath, hiding between the pile of clothes, smooth leather and slight curve, very familiar. It was her favorite knife. Thank the stars. Marc got her knife back from Darious, but this didn't mean she forgave him.

There was a knock on her door before it opened. "I knew you'd be awake," Gio said and zipped up his jacket. "Ready to go?"

"Go where?" She glanced down the hallway to the staircase. It was colder, darker with one dim light at the other end of the hall. Completely silent.

"To see the twins." He flashed his wristwatch. The bright back-lighting forced her to squint. Blinding. It was almost the witching hour. "Marc's at a meeting and Josh is still trying to get the barrier working, again. If you want to leave, now's our chance."

There was an eager spark in his eyes. Gio always loved sneaking around with the air of getting caught. Spy movies were his favorite genre. Ava shrugged, trying to appear like she didn't care. But Gio saw through it. He always did. He knew his sister enough to know when she was bluffing.

"Dude, come on. Don't tell me you aren't at least somewhat worried about them." Gio leaned in, his silky hair brushed Ava's shoulder. "You were totally flirting with Mika earlier."

"I was not flirting with him," she snapped. Heat rose on her cheeks, anyway.

Gio snickered into his fist. This jerk was just messing with her. She punched his arm, making him laugh even harder. "Are we gonna go, or not? The clock is ticking."

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