Chapter 31

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The robots grew closer, echoing through the hallways of Zephyrus' ship

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The robots grew closer, echoing through the hallways of Zephyrus' ship. Mika took Ava's hand and pulled her into his fast pace. They ran back towards the atrium and continued on into the maze of hallways created on this ship.

Ava had no idea where they were going, but she blindly trusted him. Every turn they made, the hallway looked exactly the same. From the white, faux wooden doors to the ship's ventilation to no numbers or maps for any directional guidance. There was no way you could teleport around this ship without getting lost. It felt like they'd be stuck here forever.

They turned down another hallway and then another. Marching boots echoed further away, sometimes popping up in random places, others vanished without a trace. Ava still couldn't sense them. Being robots, they didn't run on the same energy everyone else did. They had their own special fuel, making it impossible for her to locate them.

The longer they ran, the more her confidence faded. This time Mika opened a random white door, which turned out to be not so random. There were metal stairs leading up and down. They went up, when personally, Ava would've gone down.

When they reached the top, Mika pressed his ear to the door and waited. Hundreds of boots tapped by, but it sounded like they were getting further away. Another quake burst through the ship. They collided into the wall. The door locked automatically as small trembles shook their bodies.

Ava tried catching her breath. "How do you know your way around this ship? Have you been on here before?"

Mika typed in a code. The door miraculously unlocked. "No, I haven't and I don't plan on ever coming back."

But then how did he know the code to get out? How did he know this ship's layout? And why couldn't he have done this earlier?

She squeezed his hand as they ran out into the hallway and found the same identical doors and interior even on this upper level. She couldn't be suspicious right now. She needed to concentrate on getting off this ship, but the question came out of her mouth, anyway. "How did you escape the beach?"

His steps faltered, but he didn't stop running. "I set up a scope in the bathroom using koto. It's like a camera where only my eyes could see what is happening." They turned down another hallway. "When I saw you step through the wall, I knew exactly where to go."

They came to a laboratory with large opaque doors, the only thing different on this floor so far. And no monitor. They couldn't use a code to get in this time.

"The pod came automatically after I pried the door open." He let her go.

"But apparently the living room wall didn't," Ava remarked.

A smirk crossed his face as he flexed his fingers.

With tight fists, Mika rammed into the glass door. It cracked from his knuckles out, huge spider web lines spread to the threshold. Ava stepped back in time for the second hit. Large chunks of glass shattered on the floor, small pieces cut his cheeks and hand. It should've taken one hit with his super strength. He'd used too much energy already.

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