Chapter 5

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Downtown was in total chaos

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Downtown was in total chaos. Howls erupted from the east as wolf demons ran through the park, chasing after people, fighting those with swords. Fresh blood stained the colorful staccato and reclaimed wood in sweeps. Shops closed their windows and brought down the iron gates to shut the demons out.

Red flares lit the sky, blazing a small torch over the chaos that ensued. Fruit rolled across the cobblestone streets from broken vendor shops in the Mercado. Crimson water ran in the stone fountain. Soot mixed with swords mixed with bullets.

The UFE reclaimed this city from the demons forty-three years ago, and now the demons tried to snatch it back. Too many lives had already been lost.

A loud boom shook the earth. Dark smoke rose from the old bell tower—the Hub. Its only purpose was to project a dome over the city and protect the UFE with its barrier.

The backup generators should've kicked on by now. They always had an extra supply for emergencies like this. Did something happen inside? Ava ran towards it. A demon leaped out, stopping her dead in her tracks. It was not alone.

Four wolf demons' circled Ava and her new guardians. Their blood stained fangs viciously chomped like they were a pack of meat ready to be devoured inch by inch. Their serpent eyes were dead set on their limbs, ready to kill.

"Quite the welcoming committee," Mika remarked.

Ignoring him, Ava barked out orders. "We need to find out why the Hub's back-up generator isn't turning on, and how this happened."

Sam unsheathed his Katana. "You do realize we're stronger than you? This will be over before you know it."

That caught Ava's attention more than she'd like to admit. So boastful. He was skinnier than Marc and shorter, but the confidence never left his determined gaze. This might prove to be more difficult than Ava originally thought. She had to show them she didn't need their help.

"Strength isn't everything. I actually take pride in my swordsmanship," Ava said, summoning the Bō to her hand. Its black metal glinted under the moon's rays, replacing Sam's pure confidence with awe and caught Mika's sharp gaze.

"Want to make a bet, then?" Sam said, recovering quicker than she liked.

"Sure." Ava smiled. "The one with the lowest headcount buys everyone gelato."

She knocked down a wolf, displaying its teeth at her in challenge. The disturbed creature didn't back away without a fight. Her weapon morphed into a sword and she lunged forward. The sharp tip plunged into the demon's nostrils. Ash fell like snowflakes as the demon evaporated into smoke, killing it.

The twins held their own with Gio by their side. Without a moment's hesitation, Ava took off, gliding towards the Hub's doors, dodging, slashing demons on her way there.

Glass shards blanketed the automated doors. The Hub was wide open. She jumped inside. The foyer was trashed with claw marks scratched into metal, cracked tablets abandoned on the tile floor, and a strong scent of decaying flesh. She covered her mouth with her arm.

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