Chapter 40

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The bathroom was quiet

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The bathroom was quiet. Mika stood in front of the mirror, washing his hands in the sink. The lighting was stark, room empty with two toilets and a bidet. Based on the bland monochrome finishings, he was in the Capitol Building.

He turned off the faucet and slicked his hair back. He wore a black suit and tie, the AVA's logo printed on the front in light gray—the same attire he wore at the ball. Mika stepped away from the sink and walked towards Ava. She gasped as he passed through. A cool mist ran through her body in waves and collided at the foot of the floor.

Mika locked the door and checked the stalls. Alone.

Like the day he placed the protection spell on her, he confidently drew out blue lines on the mirror into one large scribble like a misshapen letter when she turned her head to the side. Marc never taught her this spell. She didn't recognize the character either.

Mika's reflection moved in small waves as a long, dark leg came from the mirror.

The Reaper stepped out. A smile curled up his mouth when he stood tall on the bathroom's tile flooring. Fingers ran down his obsidian pinstriped suit, taking out any wrinkles in his attire. "Did anyone see you?"

Even in a dream his voice was so hypnotizing.

"No, but I had to pretend I was sick and throwing up." Mika glanced at his wristwatch. "And I'm running out of time. I need to be back soon."

"Darious has been an obstacle since the day you were reborn. Are you sure you want to continue protecting him? Ending his life would be much easier."

Mika pursed his lips. "If you hadn't attacked Ava, then this wouldn't be a problem," he snapped. "I had to cast a warding spell to protect her from you."

"And yet, here I am because of you."

The Reaper circled Mika. He clasped Mika's shoulders from behind, and moved so close to his ear, a cool shrill made its way down Ava's back. "I wonder how she would feel knowing you're the god of death."

"That doesn't matter."

"And yet, it does." The Reaper flicked Mika's hair. "You've fallen for her charms."

Mika didn't respond.

The Reaper's cool gaze suddenly scanned the bathroom interior as if someone were watching. "The gods are coming tonight. This place stinks of their disgusting scents." He sniffed the air, then wrinkled his nose. "It reeks of strawberries."

Mika smiled to himself. "Zephyrus would use Raz as a decoy."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. Mika already knew Raz was the god of desire. He left Ava alone to dance with him, knowing the kind of man he was. If she could touch him in a dream, she'd slap him in the face.

The Reaper continued lingering close, staying within Mika's inner circle of comfort. "I need you to get yourself caught and find out if the rumors are true."

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