Chapter 8

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Ava found herself outside the foyer alone with Marc

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Ava found herself outside the foyer alone with Marc. He opened the door and brought her just past the threshold, enough to step over the barriers reinforcing walls. He teleported, again, just as the guards looked up from their phones.

Teleporting was so disorienting. Dizzy, Ava stumbled forward. Marc took her arm before she fell onto the clean and tidy living room floor. This place was chilled, cranked down to the depths of the arctic snow. Every piece of furniture had a shade of gray from the modern couch to the kitchen cabinets. It looked so different, yet the same.

And this home had shelves upon shelves of books—real books. The Martians stole all of Earth's books in the midst of their last world war, leaving them paperless and technology dependent. Ava had never seen this many books before except in the movies.

She carefully took off her shoes and wiped both palms on her clothes. From a distance, the books appeared leather-bound with one Ama character carved as its label. When she reached the shelf, her fingers gently dragged along the spines. It wasn't leather but warm sanded wood, soft and aged. They smelled of sweet nectar.

One book read poisons. Curious, Ava started pulling it out. A pale hand shoved it back in. Darious' coolness pierced her drenched bones before she found his stern gaze. He kept his hand on the spine which was smart. Ava planned to yank it right back out.

"Why did you bring all your koto scripts?" Marc strode over, his shoes stomped the entire way. "What if someone breaks in here and steals them?"

"If someone removes one, they will meet a horrible death," Darious said, while keeping his gaze on Ava. "I put a trap on here for those who are not one of us."

That was clearly a dig at her. Marc stood by Ava's side protectively and Darious acknowledged this, narrowing his eyes slightly. "You should have just left them at home. Then none of that would've been necessary," Marc said.

"Mika and Sam are still training. Moving to Earth doesn't stop this," he drawled as the others strolled in. "They still have lessons outside of your alleged training sessions."

Marc ran his fingers through his hair. He tried to ignore Darious' taunting, just like Ava tried to ignore the fact that they were in the twins' home, but it was hard when she looked around. She had so many memories here.

This used to be Junipea's home.

A shiver ran through Ava's body, goosebumps crawled on her skin. Marc took notice and stood closer to her side. "Okay, who's putting up their shower?"

Sam's mouth fell agape, hesitating to answer. He glanced at Mika and his easy-going smile. They stayed quiet.

Marc let out a long sigh. "I'll just pick a room if no one is going to."

"She can use mine." Darious playfully smiled. "I don't mind. It's also warmer in there."

When Marc said they were going to the twins' place, Ava didn't put two and two together. This was also Darious' home. Of course he lives here with them.

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