Chapter 9

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Ava messaged Marc goodnight, telling him that she was going to bed, and then she snuck out

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Ava messaged Marc goodnight, telling him that she was going to bed, and then she snuck out. Although she wouldn't call it sneaking. The guards knew she was heading to the Record Room. Ava hated lying to Marc, but she had to. He was always overprotective, especially since the last battle. She knew he meant well. She just wished he'd let up.

The hallways were empty and quiet. Ava stayed light on her feet. This would be faster if she could teleport. Instead, she had to go the roundabout way, dodging the night shift workers and patrol, doing everything to avoid a snitch.

Once she reached the Record Room, she set her wristwatch in front of the monitor's screen. It lit up, granting her access. The door swished open with ease—if only the laboratory was this easy to get into.

The Record Room held two computers, each glass monitor was hooked to the wall, with a row of servers the UFE salvaged from the outside world. Unlike their cloud storage, these delightful servers could only be accessed on these computers, making Ava's job harder.

After logging on, she brought up the database to do a quick search for the numbers written on the stub: 05122062LC.

With each file scan, Ava flipped the piece of paper around in her hand. It was so fragile, already ripped at the top, near the corner. Dried blood stained the left side from poking out of her pocket for too long.

Someone must have slipped this piece of paper in her pocket at the Mercado. It could've been the Black Rabbit or someone else trying to reach out to her. Either way, this code better be worth it.

The computer trilled. Ava spun around in the office chair without caution and caught a dark shadow by the locked door. But there was no one there. Lights beamed from above. Her shadow projected on the dusty tile flooring.

Ava shook her head. She was just imagining things.

She took a quick look at the monitor. Nothing. The database showed no record of whatever was on this paper. These numbers were just a hoax to get her outside of her room.

No, she shouldn't give up so quickly. Maybe she just needed an extra set of hands. She needed to call Harry. He was the only guy Ava trusted to hack into the UFE server and find what information she couldn't legally.

Ava logged out of the system and left the room as fast as she could. With her phone to her ear, she turned the first corner. It rang and rang, and rang five more times before the bastard picked up.

Sensual music played in the background, mixing with conversations and laughter. The memory was nostalgic. Ava imagined the torn retro couch sitting in Harry's crowded room, with a mountain of dusty computers stashed in one corner. People mingled about, holding a drink in one hand, while they took a trip up to the clouds.

Harry inhaled with happiness as Ava exhaled in frustration.

"What's up?" His words slurred together.

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