Chapter 23

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The Capitol building

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The Capitol building. Home sweet home, Ava wished she could say. She shouldn't be here. Every noise had her on edge. She became paranoid. The beautician tugged on her skirt, telling her to stand still, that she was almost done hemming the dress up. Ava could care less.

The gods are here.

She couldn't get those words out of her head.

Caterina walked to the mirror with such grace, it caught everyone's eyes. "Honey, stop squirming about. The beautician will prick you soon and I won't blame her when she does."

She stopped by Ava's side, next to the small stage that rose her off the ground. The dress skirt draped just over the edge in black waves of soft cotton. Caterina gently touched Ava's shoulder and ran fingers down the cape. "They put a hideous logo on the back"

Ava rolled her eyes. The Council stamped a bird on the material with threatening wings. It was the AVA Logo. Those old geezers did this on purpose, to remind her where she belonged—at the bottom of that desecrated laboratory.

"It makes me feel like a cartoon character," Ava said, then reached for her hair. The beautician snapped her away. "Don't even get me started on this hair."

They spun it up into a perfecting crown, and plopped it on top of her head just to further prove their point. She was dressed like a princess, far from a general at war. Was the Council trying to make Amaranthine an enemy, or display Ava as one? They should be worried about the war, not playing dress-up.

The gods are here.

Her mom sighed as she plucked a stray hair out from the crown. The beautician didn't snap at her, further annoying Ava. "At least they were smart enough to let you wear flats. I thought you were going to kill yourself, stumbling around in those heels."

"Heels are not meant for dancing. And neither is this cape." Ava flicked it away. "I think they're really trying to kill me this time."

Capes were dangerous, they were a villain's ultimate weakness, and this one exposed her neck. Thank the stars she remembered to put a plaster on over the curse mark.

"This is an unwanted accessory," Ava said.

"Speaking of which." Caterina plucked at the gold chain dangling from Ava's neck "You're still wearing his necklace. Shouldn't you be giving this back?"

She knew her mom was unhappy with her, but this necklace was the last thing connecting her to Marc. She couldn't let it go so soon. Not yet.

Ava pulled the necklace over her head and stuffed it inside her bra. "I promised him I'd wear it for a whole month... and I never break my promises."

"You made a promise with a man who gave you nothing in return," her mom said, not whispered. She let the beautician in on their private conversation just to embarrass Ava further. "I thought I raised you better than this."

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