Chapter 1 - Space Aliens and Bubbles?

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  "As soon as we think we are safe, something unexpected happens."

July 15 - 12:30pm
The Thunder Ninja Academy, a place you could only read about it in fairy tales.

Sensei Omino was the master of the Thunder Ninja Academy. A old man with a heart of gold, plus a master in the ways of the Thunder Ninja. It was this time everyday Sensei Omino put away time to train with his top students.

There were three. All siblings as a matter of fact. Adopted siblings to be more precise, but siblings none-the-less.

Hunter David Bradley was the eldest of the three. He is 17 years old with blonde hair that was cut shorter, but just long enough for the ends to hang just above his eye brows. His eyes were an ocean blue with light green flicks going throughout. He stood at 6 foot 2 making him the tallest of the Bradleys.

Blake Jared Bradley was the second oldest of the three, also making him the second youngest oddly enough. Blake is 16 years old with chocolate brown eyes and short, jet black hair which he normally gelled up. He was not the tallest guy at 5 foot 8, but where he lacked in height he made up for in strength.

Then finally there was Daniela Jay Bradley, or Danny as her brothers like to call her. Danny is the youngest of the Bradleys at 14 years old. Danny is the shortest of the three at 5 foot 5. Her body was not built for strength, but for the muscle she lacked in strength she made up for in speed and flexible. She has brown hair that fell to her waist in a wavy curl with hazel-brown eyes to match.

In line from oldest to youngest the siblings stood before their Sensei ready to began their training. Danny knew exactly how today was going to play out for her.

-Run a full lap around the Academy.

-Hand to hand training with her brothers.

-Private lesson in using her strengths with Sensei Omino.

-Spar with each of her brothers using weapons and Ninja abilities.

Danny knew herself right as she knew of the whereabouts of their Sensei's daily plans. Even a great Thunder Ninja Master had to be organized, and being as Danny as lucky as she is, she happened to have stumbled upon them.

"Okay," Sensei Omino began, standing from his chair and began to walk back and forth in front of the three "today you will start with a full lap around the Academy," Sensei Omino stopped in front of Danny. He turned to face her "Like young Daniela here already knows," Danny winced.

Shoot, caught.

Danny missed the sideways glance that her brothers sent her. What would they do with her? Sensei Omino sent a small, knowing smile Danny's way before turn on his heel, "Hunter and Blake I expect you to beat your average time of 15 minutes, while I expect you Daniela to beat your best time of 11 minutes. Go,"

The three siblings began running towards the Academy's exit, so they could get outside and run the perimeter of the Academy. Now the warm up was only one lap around the Academy that is the up side, but the down side is the perimeter of the Academy is two miles.

Before Danny could take off on them the brothers caught up to her, "What was Sensei talking about back there?" Hunter asked.

Danny knew he was referring to when Sensei turned on her, "I may have stumbled across Sensei Omino's hiding spot for his daily plans..." Danny said keeping her pace set to her brother's.

"You just happened to stumble across a Master Thunder Ninja's daily plans?" Blake asked suspiciously. Sensei Omino would not let something, even as unimportant as daily plans, be that easy to find that someone just happen to stumble across it.

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