Chapter 18 - What Hides in the Shadows

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August 10 - 8:12pm
Something wasn't right...
Something bad was with them...
Something dark...

Danny's heart hammered again her rib cage. Something wasn't right about this forest. It was eight in the evening but, it was still summer. There should be some light of the sun left for them to see their way. But, there wasn't, it was only dark.

The forest around them was dark. Danny wasn't able to see 20 feet into the trees beyond them. "Are you sure this is the right way?" Danny asked with a tremor in her voice.

"Yes," Hunter replied an unease to his step.

Danny felt exposed. Whatever was out there in those trees could see her but, she couldn't see it. Something was out there. She could feel it and she knew her brothers did to.

A light fog appeared around them. Only obstructing their sight even further.

A snap of a branch broke the silence and sent the siblings into a protective circle, each one having their backs to the other

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A snap of a branch broke the silence and sent the siblings into a protective circle, each one having their backs to the other.

"You must fight fiercely Thunder Rangers," the Sensei told them, "these lost warriors will stop at nothing to see your pain."

   It was like a horror movie. From the shadows of the surrounding forest these cloaked and hooded figures stepped into the clearing. They were hard to describe. They had no face that Danny could see. It seemed as though a living shadow had cloaked themselves. The light was drained from around them, like a black hole almost, making it seem as through darkness just followed them around.

   The Bradley's were surrounded by ten of these shadow warriors

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   The Bradley's were surrounded by ten of these shadow warriors. Each Bradley stood tense and ready for a fight. But, the shadows just stood there surrounding them. What were they waiting for?

   Danny's heart dropped dangerously. It was like someone poured waters from the Arctic Circle over her shoulder. But, it was the deep painful ache in her heart. Memories flashed in her mind's eyes. She remembered when she was two, the days they hurt her. She remembered the days before she had been adopted into the Bradley family. What was happening to her? She was almost to scared to look. But, slowly she turned her head to see what was holding on to her.

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