Chapter 9 - Here Comes the Thunder

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August 5 - 2:30pm
"Are we sure we are ready for this?" Danny asked nervously. Together, Danny, Hunter, and Blake set up atop a hill at the track. Danny was sat on the ground picking the grass and throwing it into the wind after finding nothing else to do with her hands.

Hunter, Blake, and Danny had just finished their times at the track and now that 3 o'clock was coming over Danny was getting nervous. Today was the biggest part of the plan.

Fight the Rangers

Today was the day they would go toe-to-toe with the Rangers and reveal to them that they weren't the only Rangers around. Then, of course, she and her brothers were going to show the Rangers they weren't the best around anymore either.

At least according to Hunter and Blake. Don't get Danny wrong she was with her brothers all the way, but something felt wrong about it.

Something is wrong with this.
You are doing the right thing.

"Of course we are ready for this Danny," Blake said as he came to sit next to Danny, "why do you ask?"

Danny sighed with a shrug. She brought her knee up and draped her arm atop it, "Well it's just," Danny paused to pick at a blade of grass, "I have never actually fought before," Her eyes were dim with worry, "I have sparred and trained, but never actually fought someone, at least you guys have some experience with it. But, even with those self-defense street fights under your belt, it wasn't a real fight. Those losers never stood a chance against you two," Danny let a small humorless smile grace her face, "Are we really ready for a real fight? A fight where we are actually trying to hurt someone?"

Silence fell between them. Blake copied Danny's actions and picked himself a blade of grass. His head was hung as he thought on his next words. Hunter stood behind his younger siblings thinking hard on the words Danny had said. What to say?

Were they ready for this?
He killed them.

"You're right Danny," Hunter said thoughtfully as he stared off over the track where riders raced around, their engines loud but somehow mute to the Bradley's ears, "maybe we aren't ready for this, but this may be the only chance we have to avenge Mom and Dad, to save the schools from Lothor."

"I know," Danny sighed.

Another silence fell over the three. For a small while they stayed there, watching over the track. Together they sat in a comfortable silence enjoying the little time they had left before everything turned upside-down.

"We have to go," Blake spoke quietly, "we must follow the plan..."

August 5 - 3:26pm
It was almost funny, Danny amused, as she watched the Wind Rangers from far above. They had ran into the rock quarry below them, their swords swings and faces hidden. They were confident in themselves and each other, but so were they.

The Wind Ninja Academy never could compare to the Thunder Ninja Academy. While they sent a breeze through the trees, splashed in the water, and dug in the dirt the Thunders summoned lightning.

Danny stood tall and proud besides her brothers awaiting Hunter's word to advance. She stood morphed and powerful in her ranger form. She was the Amber Thunder Ranger, she looked similar to her brothers but she wore amber instead of the crimson of Hunter and navy of Blake. Her top was colored a deep amber and hugged her tight, yet it was comfortable. In the middle of her chest she bore the symbol of the Ladybug. Atop her shoulder she had golden shoulder guards. Chain-link armor protected her arms, they started out Danny's top and disappeared into amber forearm-guards. From there she wore amber gloves and had padded guards protecting the tops of her hands. She wore a belt the color of gold that hugged her waist just right. This belt showed the end of her top and the start of her skirt. Danny wasn't the biggest fan of the skirt, she would have rather have had pants like her brothers. But, it seems the morphing grid wanted a way to know the boy power rangers from the girl power rangers. Oh well, she couldn't do anything about it. The skirt stopped about mid-way through her thighs and from there black leggings covered her legs. The black leggings disappeared into knee high boots. The boots were of course amber but the tops were rimmed gold. Then with an finishing touch to her legs she was given golden knee pads. She had an amber helmet designed with large round visors that were tinted black, so no one was able to see her face. 

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