Chapter 4 - Cycles and Tickle Torture

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July 25 - 5:36pm
A battle in the middle of the woods. It was an interesting place for a battle the wind rangers had thought, but didn't think to much into it. For why would they have to? Monsters were monsters no matter where.

The battle was short lived. The Kelzaks stood no chance against the Wind Ranger's fancy new bikes. However, these bikes were different. They had the basic form of a motocross bike, but with lasers, extra speed, and of course colored to each rangers respected color.

The battle was short lived and served more as a practice session to the rangers with their new bikes. The three celebrated, high-fiving each other and cheering. 

Little did they know.

"How are we supposed to beat them now that they have those?" Blake turned to Hunter and Danny, "this really set back our plans."

"We need to get even with them," Hunter stated simply, his eyes never once leaving the rangers. At this point another had joined them. This boy was a teen like them, if Danny had guessed he was the oldest among them. This boy was Asian, he had short black hair that fell over his forehead and he wore glasses. But Danny couldn't tell much else, he was to far away. He was checking over the bikes as if they would explode at any given second.

"Danny," Hunter got her attention after a moment, "you know more about this stuff then both Blake and I. What do we do to get bikes like the rangers?"

Danny had to stop and think. She was not expecting Hunter and Blake to ask this of her. She had not expected the rangers to have bikes to be fair. Danny was good when it came to racing motocross, but she was even better when it came to repairing and knowing how to make one.

Danny turned to the clearing in which the rangers stood, with their bikes standing off a little ways.

These were once normal bikes. But how would someone make them into what they are now? That's what they needed to find out.

"We need to get the blueprints for these bikes," Danny finally stated, "these bikes were based off normal ones, we need the blueprints to know what modifications were done and how we can make ours more powerfully,"

"Where are we going to get the blueprints?" Blake questioned, "it's not like we can just ask Dustin if we can borrow them,"

"Okay first things first, we need the backups and they are more than likely going to be on a disk. Disks are pretty safe, you can't hack into a disk and they are not going to corrupt like a flash-drive or a computer maybe would," Danny rambled, "now we just need to find out who has the backup,"

The Bradley siblings watched quietly, hiding just out of sight. Hunter in Crimson, Blake in Navy, and Danny in Amber.

The Asian boy took Dustin away from the group, having a short conversation with the Yellow Ranger. After this conversation the unnamed boy took a protected disk from his bag, handing it to Dustin, "Dustin has it," Blake stated drawing Hunter and Danny's attention away from the Red and Blue Rangers to the unnamed boy and Dustin.

The three watched as Dustin unzipped a pocket of his bag and shoved the disk into it. All the while that stupid, goofy grin on his face.

"Hey Dustin!" Red shouted, jogging over to join Dustin and his other teammate. They watched silently as the Red and Blue Ranger demorphed. Shane as red and Tori as blue.

It was unknown to the Thunders what Shane said exactly but they had a decent idea. Dustin had been late to this training exercise only just getting there before the attack with the Kelzaks. The tension grew between the friends before Dustin finally walked away, leaving Shane to look after him and Tori and the unnamed boy to stand awkwardly. 

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