Chapter 8 - Keep Your Friends Close but Your Enemies Closer

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August 5 - 10:00am
It was the next day that Danny, Hunter, and Blake were out and about by 10am. For, by the kindness of their hearts Hunter and Blake let Danny sleep in that morning. She had been awaken by Blake at 9:30am instead of 6:00am, which was their normal time.

The siblings had made their way down to earth by 9:45am and from there Danny split up with her brothers.

It was a stormy summer day. The sun was hidden and a chilly wind was dancing through the town. So, to battle off the weather Danny wore a large black and white hoodie that was designed with a little panda face in the chest area, and if Danny wanted to she could pull up the hood and give herself little panda ears. She wore lose black and white Nike joggers. Then finally she wore her old black high tops converse. Danny couldn't remember a time that she didn't have them. Danny's hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Slung over her left shoulder was her backpack, it's main color was black and the pockets were colored a light gray and a grayish-blue.

She showed herself around the town a little, at least, the downtown area. The track that she and her brothers often found themselves in was a part of a park that lead to many other places. The main beach was there and the skatepark, not to mention Storm Charges was near by. The park itself was huge with many paths and playgrounds. It was a truly nice place to hang around. 

But, Danny grew bored as she wondered around. She quickly realized that she had gone throughout most of the park. What else was she meant to do till 3:00pm? With no interest in the beach and definitely none in the skatepark Danny decided the track was her next stop. Maybe she could get some racing time in before her brother's showed and stole the show. The track was a good 30 minutes walk from the park, but with her headphones she wasn't complaining.

Danny plugged her headphones in and started her music playlist. Danny shrugged her backpack up a bit more on her shoulder before she began her walk.

However, only two minutes in, Danny heard someone calling her name over her music. Danny glanced over her shoulder to see if she spotted anyone she knew. She wasn't stopping if it wasn't even her they were calling for.

But, today seemed to be Danny's lucky day. Danny spotted a familiar blonde running her way. Danny stopped and took her earbuds out, letting Tori catch up.

"Hey Danny," Tori huffed, as she slowed down to a stand still in front of Danny. She was smiling happily at her. 

"Hi Tori," Danny gave a tight smile. Tori's own smile dimmed at the notice of Danny's discomfort.

"Hey Danny," Tori started, now unsure of her decision to come over, "We didn't really get to talk that one day we met and you seem really nice, so, I thought we could maybe start over?" Tori stuffed her hands into her back pockets in nerves as she awaited Danny's answer. 

She was shocked and suddenly Danny couldn't find enough confidence in herself to look Tori in the eye.

Tori seemed really nice too. But she wasn't on their side.

Danny's eyes glanced around as she took her time to think. In this time she spotted two other familiar faces. Dustin and Shane stood over by the skatepark glancing at her and Tori every few seconds.

She couldn't be suspicion, she needed to follow the plan. 

Danny faced Tori again, but this time a shy smile played at her lips, "Sure," Danny said, sticking her hand out for Tori to shake.

Tori grinned as she took Danny's hand in hers, "I am Daniela Bradley, but everyone just calls me Danny," Danny introduced herself.

"I am Tori Hanson," Tori returned, her let go of Danny's hand, "I couldn't help but notice but are you lost? I've seen you a few times now in the park,"

"Oh, not lost, me and my brothers are new to town so I've just been wondering around, getting to know the place," Danny explained.

Tori nodded her understanding, "are you headed somewhere now? You can hang with us if you'd like," she motioned back towards Shane and Dustin. 

"I'll have to past, last time I stepped on a skateboard Hunter and Blake almost had to take me to the hospital," Danny chuckled, cringing at the painful memory, "I'm also headed to the track at the moment," Danny glanced towards the path to prove her point more it seemed, "I am meeting Blake and Hunter there at 3 and was hoping to get a few races in before they showed," 

"You could catch a ride with us if you'd like," Tori offered.

"Us?" Danny asked, glancing at Dustin and Shane. Danny had a suspicion that Shane didn't like her or her brothers. Just something in the way to he looked at them and the way he always seemed guarded around them. 

They'd have to work on that if they wanted the plan to go smoothly. 

"Yeah, Dustin, Shane, and I were heading over to the track soon if you want to catch a ride,"

"I think I'll past," Danny shifted her weight, "like I said, we're new in town and I would like to learn the walking path to the track. I'll more than likely be using it a lot. Learn it sooner rather than later kind of thing."

"Yeah, no, totally," Tori smiled, waving Danny off, "I totally get it," Tori started walking backwards towards Shane and Dustin, "I'll see you around Danny!"

Danny followed Tori's example and started on her way as well, "Yep, hey Tori," Danny smirked, "just letting you know the last girlfriend one of my brothers had ended up with a broken arm."

Tori gave a tight smile, somewhere between humor and awkward. She gave Danny a thumbs up, "Noted,"

Danny laughed before fully turning around to her path. She stuck her earbuds back in and walked with a hop in her step.

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