Chapter 6 - Tsunami Cycle Serenade

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August 2 - 1:47pm
At the track Danny watched as her brothers raced around the track. In her hands she held two stop watches that timed Hunter and Blake. She was not in her own racing gear, but rather a red and black plaid hoodie, black jeans, and her black high top converse.

Her bike was standing besides her a little ways away with her gear in a neat pile besides it. Her hair in a high ponytail that swayed with the wind.

As Danny wrote the times for each lap down she didn't notice the footsteps approaching from behind. "Hey!" Danny jumped visibly. Danny picked up her head and looked up from the ground on which she sat.

"Oh dear," the woman exclaimed, "sorry about that honey! I didn't mean to scare you," this woman was someone Danny had seen before. It was Kelly, the owner of Storm Changers. Danny smiled at Kelly as she sat herself next to Danny, "Oh it's fine," Danny insisted, "I didn't hear you sneak up behind me."

Kelly let out a chuckle before moving her eyes to the track where Hunter and Blake raced. "Goodness have you ever seen someone race like that?" Kelly said in fascination, "you know there is another one that was racing with them just a few days ago. Unbelievable speed the three of them."

Danny giggled quietly, "Uhm, yeah I know," Kelly then just noticed the times Danny was writing, "You know them?" Danny nodded.

"Oh my goodness," Kelly kicked herself "where are my manners! I am Kelly Halloway, I own the Storm Changers here in town."

Danny smiled, she liked this woman, "I am Danny Bradley," Danny introduced herself, "and those two are actually my older brothers, and I am kind of the other rider." Danny's cheeks turned a rosy red as she pointed out the dirt bike no to far to her left.

Kelly's eyes grew in fascination "No way!" She exclaimed, "you're so young!"

Danny smiled shyly, "Thank you Miss Halloway, I'll let my brothers what you said."

Kelly gave a humor-full giggle, "Anytime sweetheart and you don't have to call me Miss Halloway, just Kelly if you want," Kelly smiled, her full attention on Danny, "I wouldn't be pushing any boundaries in asking you what your brothers names are and how old you three are, would I? I remember you guys coming into the store to see Dustin but never did ask,"

Danny shook her head, "Not at all Mrs. Hal-" Danny stopped herself with a scrunching of her nose, "Kelly" she corrected. Kelly laughed as Danny chuckled along with her, her cheeks now a deeper shade of pink, "Well, I myself, am 14. Then my oldest brother is Hunter, he's on the reddish bike, and he is 17. Then it's Blake on the dark blue who is 16."

"So your the baby huh?" Kelly chuckled lightly.

Danny nodded her head, "Yeah, and Blake and Hunter definitely treat me like it."

"You'll get used to it," Kelly stated, "I am the younger by two years and my brother treated me like I was 2 and he was 20. But it only shows how much they love you."

Danny looked up from her click-board with a smiled to find Kelly already looking at her with a grin, "Well Danny," Kelly sighed, "I better get going to the store, I've been at the track all day so far and probably should be heading back."

"Okay Kelly," Danny found her way to her feet as did Kelly, "it was wonderful to meet you."

Kelly smiled, "It was wonderful to meet you as well Danny. I'll see you again sometime!"

Danny waved as Kelly walked away. Danny had made a new friend that day.

August 2 - 4:37pm
As the day drug on the siblings finished their day at the track at 4:37 pm. They all took turns writing down times and riding. Finishing the day with a few races. Blake won 2, Hunter won 3 and Danny won 1. Take what you can get and run with it, or in this case ride with it.

It was as the siblings were packing up a goofy grin teen popped in to say hi. Dustin bounced over happily to the Bradleys. He wore his normal goofy grin, his yellow riding gear, and his backpack. As he approached he dropped his backpack carelessly to the ground next to his set up, "Cleared it no problem that time!"

"Yeah, keep that up and you'll be riding 250's in no time," Hunter praised, Danny was almost surprised. 

"You know what,  it's been really cool hanging out with you guys," Dustin smiled, "it's hard to find people that are really interested in what you do, ya know?" 

Danny's felt as if her cheat tighten, he really shouldn't trust them she knew...

He seemed like a nice guy...
It's an act

"I hear that," if Hunter and Blake felt the same they didn't show it. 

Suddenly, the ground begin to shake. As if a earthquake had struck but that quickly went out the door when a line of dirt coming up from the ground was headed straight toward them. As if something was moving beneath the ground at a high speed. 

The four stumbled around as the earth shook, the Bradleys gripping on to each other to keep balance before Dustin was sent to the ground by the moving dirt. 

He jumped up quickly before rushing off towards where the thing was headed, "I got to go!" he called over his shoulder, "see you guys later!"

The Bradleys watched after him, the earthquake disappearing. 

"Lothor didn't mention a monster, did he?" Hunter questioned, confused as to why Lothor wouldn't be following their plans. 

"Not that I remember," Danny claimed, Blake agreeing. 

"Weird..." Hunter trailed off, hopefully this wouldn't become a habit. The last thing they need is for their plan to be ruined. 

"Huh," Blake huffed, reaching down to grab something off the ground. Danny and Hunter turned their attention to Blake, who was smirking, holding Dustin's backpack in his hands, "how much you wanna bet the disk is still in here?" 

Blake dug through the bag, finding their price and showing Hunter and Blake. 

"He's making it easy for us..."

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