Chapter 14 - Deal or No Deal?

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August 8 - 10:39pm
"How dare you!" Hunter raged at Lothor as he and Danny entered the throne room, "why would you send a monster on the Winds? We made a deal! We do things our way and you get what you want in the end!"

   The evil space alien stared at the Amber and Crimson Thunder Rangers, "What ever do you speak of?"

   "Don't act dumb!" Hunter snapped taking a dangerous step towards Lothor. Lothor kept Hunter under a careful gaze as he spoke, "Watch your tongue boy, and watch where you step. It's dishonorable to attack a King in his throne room,"

   "Don't talk to us about dishonor," Danny growled, "you sent a monster on the winds when they couldn't defend themselves. There is no honor in such a fight."

   Lothor sat quietly. He knew he had been bested, but he wasn't going to give the Thunder Ranger such pleasure, "Where is the third one?"

   Danny had to steady herself before she spoke, "what does it matter to you?" She asked, "you nearly destroyed our plan in a single hour and this is what you ask? But, if you would like to know, Blake is out fixing your mess!"

   Lothor was upon Danny before the girl could react. Hunter took a protective step in front of her. Lothor didn't attempt to move him, "You better watch where you step girl," Lothor spoke in a harsh whisper at Danny, "You know, I admire your bravery girl. To confront me in such a manner, aboard my own ship," Lothor stepped away and Danny was left to breath once again. He circled back to his throne, "especially without both of your bodyguards here to protect you."

"Don't underestimate me..." Danny growled, Lothor sized her up before stepping back. To him she wasn't worth the time, who did she think she was compared to him?

   "My brother was hurt to protect our plan," Hunter stepped carefully upon the thin ice, "I want to make sure it doesn't happen again,"

   "Are you threatening our Leader boy?" Zurgane growled from his corner of the room.

   "You speak again I'll stick those swords of yours down your throat," Danny said in a cheerful tone that didn't match her body language in the slightest, "Now, that was a threat. We are simply making a deal with our leader Lothor. Learn the difference."

   Zurgane moved to confront Danny, but he stopped at the wave of Lothor's hand, "You know," Lothor gave a crooked smile, "I never saw you as the threatening type."

Maybe there was more to her then he thought.

   Danny felt Lother's eyes on her. There was something with his gaze that she didn't like, "I am full of surprises," she finally said.

   Lothor sighed in a way that told of how bored he was, "Well, you spoke of a deal?"

   "You no longer interfere with ours plan for the amusement of yourself and I'll see to it you are informed of the Winds address," Hunter stood tall.

   Danny watched with a smirk as Lothor's eyes widen, "You know where their headquarters are located?"

   "Yes, we are aware of where the Winds are located. But, I will only inform you of their location if you keep your end of the deal," then almost as an after-thought Danny followed her brother "And, of course, that is when everything is over and the Sensei Wannabe is gone,"

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