Chapter 10 - I Argue With the Voice in My Head

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August 5 - 4:37pm
   "Who were those guys?"

   "What are they doing here?"

   "There are other Power Rangers?"

   Three teenagers with lots of questions, plus old man, equals not good.

   "Enough!" Sensei Watanabe demanded. Immediately Shane, Tori, and Dustin fell quiet, waiting impatiently for their Sensei to speak to them, "one at a time," Sensei Watanabe spoke irritatied.

"Who were those guys Sensei?" Shane asked.

"I don't not know Shane," Sensei Watanabe claimed, hopping into his son's hand so that he could carry him to the computer screens.

Did I mention the Sensei was a guinea pig? During the battle of the Wind Ninja Academy Lothor had fought the Sensei Watanabe one-on-one. Lothor had meant to kill Sensei Watanabe but instead Sensei Watanabe had used his powers to deflect the powerful spell. As a result of such powerful things colliding Sensei Watanabe's powers went hey-wire. Landing him in a tiny furry ball body that was a guinea pig with no way out.

Once at the computers the rangers, Sensei Watanabe, and Cam watched the battles on replay. All three battles played at once and each ranger watched their own respected fight.

"They fight in the style of the Thunder Ninja Academy," the Sensei continued, "that I know for certain."

"Well did Lothor put a spell over them," Tori asked, watching as the Amber Thunder Ranger kneed her in the gut, she winced, "you know? Fight fire with fire?"

"Their fire comes from deep within," the Sensei stated, "there's no spell that I'm aware of of Lothor's that could be driving them to fight with such passion,"

"Hey, uh, remember what the Navy one said," Dustin looked around at Shane and Tori for help, "like, about them not working for Lothor, but personal matters?"

   "Yeah," Tori remembered, "but I don't understand. I mean, I have never fought with anyone bad enough that they would go find some morphers and go evil on me,"

   "Yeah," Cam sighed, "these guys seem to have a screw lose,"

   The Sensei gave a grunt of disapproval, "What?" Cam questioned, "does this make any sense to you?"

   "No Cam," Sensei admitted, "but to them it makes enough sense that they would fight for Lothor to get to us, and that is a dangerous thing. Don't underestimate their motives just because you don't understand,"

   The Sensei flipped off the table top and made his way to his temporary house. The one that sat on a table top and looked like a tiny doll house.

   "Now," Sensei called, gathering the attention of the teens, "I want you to watch your and the others battles and tell me what you did wrong,"


   "What I would have done to show the looks on their faces," Blake laughed, he and his siblings walking down the ships halls.

   "They were scared alright," Hunter joked along with Blake. Danny offered a chuckle but not much else, "yeah, yeah," Danny's chuckle died, "it was great,"

   "Oh come on Danny!" Blake exclaimed, slinging an arm over her shoulders, "you did fantastic! Tori never knew what hit her!"

   Danny's heart swelled at her brother's complements, but they just didn't feel right...

   "Thank you so much bros," Danny trailed off, "but I really need to take a breather," Danny ducked out from under Blake's arm and de-morphed, "I'll be back soon okay?"

Daniela Bradley - Power Rangers Ninja StormWhere stories live. Discover now