Chapter 12 - Problems? Everybody Got Problems!

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August 8 - 11:34am
If has been two days after the Megazord fight. The one the Winds lost horribly in. The Bradley siblings decided that it would be best to lay low with the Rangers for a short while. So, over the last two days the siblings had been spending their time at the track and just hanging around the town.

Hunter and Danny decided they would ride around the track a few times and record each other's time. Blake had decided he would go for a ride at the beach.

At the moment Danny was sat at their set up by the track. She stood in her racing gear

She hummed quietly to herself as she recorded her brother's times, "You Are My Sunshine by Jonny Cash?"

   Danny turned her attention behind her for a quick glance. Behind her approached Kelly and Dustin, Shane she saw hung back and leaned against Kelly's van parked next to her and her brother's set up.

   "Uhm, yeah," Danny gave a quick chuckle, "it's a great song,"

   "See!" Kelly exclaimed, "that's what I told Dustin. Kids and teens these days don't know good music!"

   Danny gave a nod of agreement before falling quiet again, "So, uhm, where did you hear it?" Dustin asked trying to make conversation.

   "Well, uh," Danny debated whether to tell, "my mom used to sing it to me when I was little," at least that's what Hunter and Blake said.

   "Oh about your parents!" Kelly grinned as Danny looked up at her from the ground with a questionable face, "did Hunter and Blake get them to sign the papers for the race?"

   "Typical," Danny scoffed under her breath as she turned back to the track, spotting Hunter as he rode.

   "Sorry?" Kelly asked, her face falling from excitement to concern.

   "Sorry, Hunter and Blake didn't tell you?" Danny sighed, glancing between the three, "it's just, uhm, we don't live with our parents..."

   "Oh, I am sorry-" Kelly started but Danny waved her off.

   "No don't be sorry," Danny's mood became noticeably solemn, "nothing you did," she gave a chuckle to lighten the mood again but it came out dry, "but don't worry, Hunter and Blake will get the papers signed,"

   Dustin and Shane share a look, one that Danny didn't fail to notice but didn't mention. Kelly soon found herself back at her set up, but Dustin and Shane stuck around.

   "Hey Danny," Dustin smiled, getting the girl's attention. Danny glanced in their direction to let them know she heard them, "we just wanted to ask where you and your brothers are from and why you moved here,"

"Before or after we got adopted?" Danny asked jokingly, however, Dustin seemed to have been thrown through a loop.

"Oh, hum,"

"After," Shane quickly cut in.

"We are from Lakeport," Danny answered, "and we moved here to be closer to family. Why do you ask?" Danny turned in on them.

"Well, you know," Dustin stumbled for the right words as Shane seemed to tense, "just wondering,"

Danny hummed her understand, but she knew something was up, "Oh, yeah," she agreed with them anyway, "of course," she gave a smile.

Shane, Danny noticed, was rather tense, stoned-faced, and eyeing Danny's backpack. Dustin wore a grin to large to be real.

"Hey Danny," Dustin spoke again, "could you come and look at my bike? Something is wrong with it and it would be awesome if you could look at it because, like, I have seen you fixing you and your brother's bikes before, and you seemed pretty good at it. I mean, you got them working again," Dustin rambled on.

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