Chapter 13 - You Can't Be Doing That!

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August 8 - 2:12pm
It had been around three hours with no word from Blake. Hunter and Danny together probably sent more than 40 texts and 20 calls to their brother.

Danny paced back and forth in front of Hunter who was leaning against his bike. At this point Danny and Hunter had changed into normal clothes, but had yet to pack up their set up. Being as they told Blake to meet them there.

   Well they texted him. Hopefully he was okay and actually saw the text. Hunter wore a red short-sleeve hoodie shirt with black basketball shorts. He also wore light gray and black shoes, and on his back was his black backpack. Danny wore a loose white t-shirt that said 'You're-just-a-little-bit-out-of-my-limit' with long black sweats that had a white strip running down the side. She wore her black high top converse, and a nice messy bun sat high on her head.

"What was Lothor thinking!" Danny raged, "why would he send a monster, that had no clue what we looked like, to attack the Rangers?! The plan was to destroy their morphers and zords to invade their HQ. Not to attack them while their down! There no honor in such a fight!"

Hunter quickly halted Danny's pacing, "Danny," he whispered catching her shoulders, "lower your voice. You never know who could be listening,"

Danny sighed through her nose to ease herself, "what if Blake is really hurt? Because of Lothor's genius plan we are in debt to the Winds for helping, maybe even saving Blake! Not to mention I'll personally kill Lothor myself if Blake is hurt!"

"I am just as pissed as you Danny," Hunter said in hopes of calming her temper, "we'll deal with Lothor later, okay? Let's focus on finding Blake right now, okay?"

Danny gave in to Hunter, "Okay,"

Hunter gave her a weak smile before patting her on the shoulder, "Hey, I am sure Blake is okay. But, if you're not convinced I'll call the swat team and the K-9 unit,"

Danny made a face of humorless laughter, "Oh, haha," she said in a dry tone, "you make fun of me for going crazy with hunting for Blake and the ironic thing is is that your name is Hunter!"

"Oh shut up," Hunter said to the lame joke and playfully pushed Danny forward to get the girl to walk.

Hunter and Danny walked around the track together looking for any sign of Blake or anyone they knew who would know. It was a good 20 minutes until Danny noticed Dustin and Shane had reappeared. At this point both siblings had become very worried for their missing brother.

Danny caught Hunter's elbow and nodded her head in their direction. Hunter followed her and nodded his head in agreement.

They both knew they had to play dummy. Hunter and Danny made their way toward Dustin and Shane, "Hey," Danny called catching the twos attention.

"Hey, have you seen Blake around?" Hunter asked, trying to cover his worried tone with a cool play off.

Shane and Dustin shared an almost unnoticeable glance between each other. One Hunter and Danny didn't fail to miss, "No," Shane claimed, "why?"

Danny scoffed at Shane mentally. If that wasn't the worst lie she had seen in her lifetime she needed glasses.

"Blake was suppose to meet us three hours ago and has yet to show," Hunter explained, "hasn't called, hasn't texted. We're just worried about him..."

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