Chapter 19 - The Dark Before the Dawn

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August 10 - 9:30pm
The Thunders Ninja Streaked away but, the Winds weren't giving up that easy. The Thunders made it out of the forest and into a rock quarry before they had to land again.

"Why are you doing this!" Dustin asked the Thunders, "what did we do?"

"Nothing," Blake claimed, "you were just in the way."

"In the way of what?" Tori asked. Danny could feel Tori's gaze on herself.

"Him," Danny replied simply referring to Sensei Wannabe.

"You aren't going to killed him," Shane stated, challenging the Thunders.

"You aren't going to stop us," Hunter shot right back.

The Winds rushed forwards as one against the Thunders. Blue choose Amber, Yellow against Navy, and the final match of Red and Crimson.

"Don't you remember what happened last time Tori," Danny taunted Blue, "I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. You took a nasty fall."

Blue took the offensive. Right punch blocked, right kick blocked, Danny smirked. She hadn't learned. Suddenly, Tori swung left and got Danny right under the chin. Amber was taken aback. Okay, maybe she had learned.

"You just made this much more interesting," Danny smirked, "Thunder staff!"

Danny pulled the the long bow-staff like weapon from her back, where it was held in place by a little slip.

"Ninja Sword!" Tori did the same thing as Danny but, instead had a shorter ninja sword.

Amber swung first only to be blocked. Blue was a decent sword fighter but, it wasn't great against the double sided thunder staff. Amber got a hit that slashed Blue across the chest and sent her to the ground.

Blue yelled out as she fell and held on to her chest, "Tori!" Amber heard Dustin call out to her.

Amber fell back when she saw both Red and Yellow rushing towards them. Danny joined her brothers sides once more.

"Everyone alright?" Hunter checked up on Blake and Danny. They offered simple nods as answers, "Good."

"Why are you doing this?" Shane asked.

"Simple," Hunter replied, "revenge."

Suddenly the ground begun to shake. Danny almost thought it was an earthquake but, the great robot zord that popped up out of the ground kind of gave it away.

"Zurgane..." Blake trailed off. This wasn't part of the plan...

"Who gave him the keys to a zord?" Dustin asked to no one in particular.

"It'll keep them busy," Hunter acted quickly, "lets bail."

The Thunders started running. Crimson leading with the Sensei in hands, Amber following right behind him and Navy right behind her.

Danny almost thought they were in the clear until she heard the foot falls of two others behind them.

"You aren't going to give up are you?" Crimson asked irritated.

"Never in a million years," Yellow claimed.

Shane rushed after Hunter and Dustin was left to distract Danny and Blake from helping their brother.

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