Chapter 17 - What if They Could See?

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August 10 - 12:45pm
   Hunter, Blake, and Danny Bradley stood in front of them. How could it be? The siblings they thought of as friends were really their enemies in this battle.

   "How could you..." Tori choked over herself, "we were friends..." Tori's eyes landed on Danny, but Danny couldn't bring herself to look back. She turned her head away from the Winds and towards her brothers.

   Hunter and Blake stood tall and rigid. Both of them were rather intimidating Danny would say. Unrecognizable...

   "Nothing personal," Hunter claimed as a smirked split his face, "we didn't come for you."

   "Come on Blake," Shane tried, "you can't be serious..."

   "Try me." Blake said with an edge to his voice. Neither brother would let the Winds change their mind. They would never turn their backs on each other. They've been through to much together.

   Together the three siblings moved to use their ninja abilities, "Danny! Please, listen to us!" Dustin tried in a last ditch-effort to change their minds. Danny froze at Dustin yelling her name because honesty it had scared her. It had reminded her of a painful memory. But, Hunter nor Blake stopped to listen.

   The brothers disappeared in a small poof of colored smoke. Unwillingly and unknowing leaving their little sister to face the Winds on her own.

   Danny stood ready to disappear in an instant if the Winds stepped wrong. She felt her body tense and sheer panic froze her body. Why was she feeling like this?

   "Yes, Danny," Shane said carefully, he held both hands up in surrender, "please, you don't have to do this."

They're right.
What about your brothers and parents? Are you so willing to betrayed them?

   The Winds saw it in her eyes. The indecisiveness going on between her ears. The once bright eyes turned dark right before them. Almost like a dark cloud had rolled over her eyes. The Winds were taken by surprise at the change. But, it was the depth of her eyes, the sorrow and pain that hid inside her eyes.

   Danny was unwillingly an open-book in that moment, "I'm sorry," Danny eyes drifted over to Cam, "but, we have to."

   With a final stroke of her arm she disappeared from the Winds Ninja Ops. Leaving three Wind Rangers and one computer nerd completely speechless.

   "W-what did they want here?" Tori finally stuttered out after a brief moment.

   "My father," Cam spook with a hard tone, "they took my father."

   "What do you mean they took Sensei?" Dustin asked, "what would they want with Sensei?"

   "I don't know," Cam said, "but, it can't be anything good."

   Cam marched over to his computer and started typing, "No, no, no, no!" He slammed the key broad with his decent hand, "that girl disabled our tracking software! Not to mention the rest of the damage."

"Cam you need to clam down." Shane instructed, "getting upset will get us no where. Is there any place you think they may go."

"No..." Cam said with a heavy tone, "I don't know what they would want with him."

With her eyes closed all Danny felt was a sudden strong wind and a quiet whistle before she landed back on the ground. She teetered dangerously in her spot. She suddenly felt light headed and tried.

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