Chapter 20 - They Saved Me

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August 10 - 10:45pm
   Once the Thunder's ninja-streaked away it gave them time to recover. They had de-morphed at this point and rushed the rest of the way to the Cavern of Souls.

   It was only when they got closer they begun to slow down. Their exhaustion starting to get the better of them.

   No one spoke but, they rather thought over the plan in their heads. Brake the energy sphere and hand over Sensei Wannabe to Lothor. From which, he would be taken care of...

   Danny suddenly became sick to her stomach.

Was this truly the right way?
Of course it is. You have much to learn.

   Blake also seemed to be weighing his thoughts.

What darkness was inside me?
Nothing to worry about.

   Hunter fell pale.

Why am I leading my little brother and sister through is all this?
Because it's the right thing to do.

   Finally, the siblings reached a clearing in which a large cave was dug into the side of the cliff. Danny could feel the building energy of the spirits.

   "The spirits sense our presence," Sensei Wannabe spoke and he was pointedly ignored.

   "Let's get this over with,"

   "It has to be a spell, right?" Tori asked no one in particular, "I mean, remember when Danny's eyes turned almost black in Ninja Ops? That's not normal. Plus, that shadow claimed to have seen darkness inside of Blake,"

   Cam sighed "I don't know Tori," he admitted, "if it is, it's no spell I've ever seen."

"But, if it is a spell how are they still Hunter, Blake, and Danny? I mean, wouldn't they act like robots are something? Plus, they said they took Sensei off of personal reasons," Shane argued.

"We don't really know how they would normally act, right? We don't know how long they have been under the spell. Maybe it's been over them since they came to Blue Bay," Tori tried, "also, if it's a spell Lothor can be twisting their thoughts into thinking Sensei did something."

"Talking about it here isn't helping anything dudes," Dustin piped up, "we just need to catch up with them and see."

Tori, Shane, Cam, and Dustin fell into silence after that. The only thing they could listen to was the sound of the road as their mobile Ninja Ops sped down the road.

"There it is..." Danny trailed off looking at the beautiful stone that was the Gem of Souls.

It looked like a quartz rock but, it was green and had a greenish glow around it. Hunter took the gem into his hands. Carefully, Danny set the Sensei upon the rock pedestal that the gem once sat.

However, before Hunter could bring the gem down upon the sphere he felt light headed, his vision blurred. He gasped and fell to his knees, and from there he fell backwards into the stone floor, "Hunter!" Both Danny and Blake called out and rushing to Hunter's side.

Hunter felt cleared, better then he had in weeks. He felt the dark weight lift off his shoulders, weight he had never known was there. His mind begin to remember everything. He remembered all the voices he had listened to that were never his. The way he mindlessly followed that voice in his head without question. The darkness that had been inside him was gone.

"Hunter! What's wrong!" Blake carefully helped Hunter to sit up.

Hunter stared at the gem dumbly for a moment.

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