Chapter 22 - Start Over?

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August 11 - 1:30am
   The mood set between the Thunders and Winds was a pitiful and tense feeling. During the ride back Cam attended what he could for Danny with the little supplies he had with him. He was able to get some ice set on Danny's jaw that had been swelling continuously at an uncomforting pace. He set Danny's forearm in a make shift splint. Also, he checked Danny for a concussion which he was pretty sure she had. At that point in time that was all they could do for Danny.

Cam moved to Blake next after Hunter insisted despite him being the worse of the two. Blake watched Cam with a weary eye. Cam suddenly and unexpectedly felt guilt about his treatment of the younger. Cam offered a small smile which seemed to help comfort Blake a little. Blake closed his eyes as Cam worked on the cut under his eye. Also, giving Blake an ice bag to place where ever it was needed. Blake chose it for his right side of his face.

Then finally it was Hunter. Cam was nervous to even approach him. He was a big and strong guy and even in this broken state he was intimidating to Cam. Hunter got ice for his black eye and a piece of tape for under his eye, much like Blake's, "That lip may need to get stitches," Cam carefully pulled at the skin surrounding Hunter's busted lip, "is there anyway else it hurts?"

   Hunter watched Cam carefully before silently offering his left arm to him, "My wrist hurts every time I move it," Hunter claimed calmly.

   Cam took Hunter wrist and pushed around it in different areas. Hunter winced as Cam pushed on the outer side of his wrist, "Right there?" Cam asked. Hunter nodded to confirm Cam's words.

   "It's definitely swollen," Cam stated, "probably just a bad sprain or maybe even a fracture. We'll know for sure at the lab, but for now try not to move it at all and I'll get you ice,"

   Cam stood up and turned on the Winds, "Now," he started, "what about any of you guys?"

   The Winds looked between each other. They each decided among their silence that their injuries were nothing compared to the beating the Thunders took.

   "Just a few bruises and sores I think Cam," Shane spoke for them, "just help them, okay?"

"No," Danny furrowed her eyebrows, "Dustin's hurt, you were limping the whole way back,"

Cam turned on Dustin, his eyebrow raised.

"It's not that bad!" Dustin quickly defended himself, "I just landed wrong after Lothor threw me back in that cave,"

Cam rolled his eyes, "just let me see,"

   After Cam's inspection he decided that Dustin had sprained his ankle, rather badly, and to be sure he would span it once back at the Ninja Ops.

August 11 - 5:46am
   It was a long drive from the cave back to Ninja Ops. A very quiet ride, but a peaceful one.

   When the semi-truck finally parked itself safely within the protection of the Wind Ninja Academy Sensei was the first to speak, "Thunder Rangers would to please follow Cam into Ninja Ops where we can heal you?" none offered any words, but they followed Cam and the Winds none-the-less.

Danny was being supported between her brothers as she stumbled along with the Winds. She was finding it hard to keep her feet under her.

Once inside Cam asked Danny to settle down on the center table in the main area of the Ninja Ops. Danny did as she was told and sat down on the table where she laid back. Hunter and Blake took spots on either side of the table as they nursed their own wounds.

The Winds sat in front of the brothers and an awkward silence stretched between them until Danny gave a chuckle, "You look like Popeye the sailor man," she said to Hunter as she pointed to his swollen black eye.

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