Chapter 3 - Idiots... All of Them

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July 24 - 1:45pm
Hunter, Blake, and Danny sat atop a hill that looked down upon the motor track. They sat upon the bikes watching the other racers, waiting for the perfect time to join. They were like tigers, first they would sneak up on their pray, slowly stalking them until the final strike.

Hunter watched the yellow rider on the track, as the rider became closer Hunter spoke, "Ready?" He asked.

"Ready," Blake stated. Danny simply nodded her head at Hunter, a dangerous fire could be seen in her eyes before she dropped her goggles.

"Now!" Hunter's bike took off into the track, Blake and Danny close behind.

Danny flew through the racers, weaving and dodging as her hair whipped around behind her.  She loved the rush that riding gave her. The rush of the wind and the rush of adrenaline. Finally, she made her way through to the top four.

   Herself, her brothers, and the yellow rider. The rider was glancing this way and that between the new riders. Blake looked between his siblings before giving a small nod. Hunter and Danny returned the nod.

Suddenly, the yellow rider was left to eat their dust as the new suits pasted him up. The yellow rider gave one last shot to pull ahead of the three new riders, but it proved to be in vain. However, he was close on Danny's tail. 

Hunter, Blake, and Danny crossed the finish line, a tire between Hunter and Blake and Danny not far behind. As Danny and her brothers rode past the yellow rider's set up Danny noticed Kelly was there. Kelly was the owner of Storm Charges, a popular store for extreme sports here in Blue Bay Harbor. Danny had overheard it from a few other riders and saw her while she was out shopping.

She held a stop watch and a clip board, she was the yellow rider's timer Danny noted. She couldn't help but smirk when she noticed Kelly's round eyes of disbelief following after them.

Hunter and Blake lead the way back to their set up leaving their Danny to follow. Hunter and Blake stopped their bikes leaving enough room for Danny to sneak between them. Which she did. The boys dismounted their bikes, but Danny decided she would rather sit than stand. 

"Hey there!" The yellow rider waved at the Bradleys as he jogged over to them, "how's it going?"

The three turned to him, after just taking off their helmets. Hunter leaned against Blake's bike as Blake held his own. Hunter crossed his arms across his chest as he crossed one foot over the other. "He's got the cool act on," Danny mused with an eye roll. Blake on the other hand seemed relaxed, he casually had his hands in his pockets with a smile on his face. Danny had yet to stand and she did not plan on it, she sat comfortably on her bike with her helmet sat in her lap.

"Track is a little soggy," Hunter mumbled looked out towards the track.

"Well it didn't seem to slow you guys down," the yellow rider exclaimed, "Nice to meet you, I am Dustin" Dustin smiled, his eyes falling to Hunter and Danny. Danny took that moment to study him. He was a tall guy with a strong build, she could tell he had training with the Academy. He had strong features such as a sharp jaw line and prominent brows with dark brown hair and eyes, but despite this he wore a goofy smile.   

Blake followed him, "You to man, I'm Blake and this is my older brother Hunter," Blake introduced Hunter with a gesture of his hand, "and this is my little sister Danny," Danny offered Dustin a smile as Blake introduced her. He gratefully returned it.

Danny noticed a slight unease within Dustin. He looked between the three of them as a moment of awkward silence passed. Finally he asked the question the siblings knew to well, "You guys are siblings?" Dustin asked, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"We're adopted," Hunter stated harshly. Danny winced at the sharpness in Hunter's tone. She knew this would happen. Hunter was not the best with new people. He did not trust anyone. Especially, given the fact of who they were talking with at the moment.

Danny noticed the falter in the Dustin's goofy grin as he stumbled, "Oh right, oh," he nodded in quick understanding, his ears turning pink in embarrassment, "cool, well, I haven't seen you guys out here before. Where's the home track?"

"Uh, we come down from-"

"You wouldn't have heard of it," Hunter cut Danny off. In response Danny rolled her eyes at her brother. She crinkled her nose and crossed her arms across her chest. Then, behind Hunter's back stuck her tongue out at him. Maybe it would help settle the tension...

   Dustin's grin picked back up and Blake let escape a chuckle. Confused Hunter looked between the two before turning on his little sister. But, it was to late for him to see what she had been doing as Danny forced a poker face and looked around as if nothing happened.

   "I agree with Danny," Blake humored as Hunter turned back around, but only after a narrowed glare at her. She simply smirked. 

"Easy bro, and he wonders why we don't have any friends."

One beat.

Then two.

A failed crack at a joke. Danny cringed, but physically she only showed it through a painful smile. Dustin looked at the dirt at his feet as a painfully awkward few seconds dragged by.

"Hey listen Dustin," Danny broke the awkward silence, glaring at her brothers, "you were pretty fast out there before," Dustin looked up at Danny. Dustin grinned bashfully, "Yeah right dude, I uh, must be letting up a couple of laps to you guys," Dustin added humbly. 

"You get to much air on your jumps," Hunter jumped right back in to the conversation with his naturally positive attitude "slows you down," Danny pursed her lips as the mood darkened once more.

Hunter was really wasn't making this easy. 

"He's right," Blake admitted with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Dark and brooding," Danny added pointing. 

"But right," Hunter finished with a sly smirk.

Blake noticed the drop in mood, "Uh, listen man, what're you doing now? You want to hang out?"

Dustin took a second to think, weighting his options it seemed, "Um, actually, guys can I take a rain check? I have to be somewhere at 1:30,"

"Yeah no worries," Hunter spoke as he pushed himself up completely right, "next time," Hunter walked behind Danny and patting her shoulders in an attempt to bug her. 

Off of whim Danny checked her phone for the time. Her brow rose, "Hey Dustin," she smirked as she got the brunette's attention, she flashed her phone screen at him, "the place you were supposed to be at 1:30 was 15 minutes ago,"

Dustin gasped as he lifted his sleeve to check his own watch, as if hoping Danny's phone had the wrong time, "I am so dead," he suddenly became light on his feet, "I got to go, next time!" He called over his shoulder before running off.

"Dustin!" Kelly called after him, "you need to put your bike- oh, forget it!" Blake, Hunter, and Danny held in their laughs as Kelly threw her clip broad in the back of her van and stomped off to put Dustin's bike away.

Danny waited till Dustin was out of sight before turning on Hunter, "Need I have to remind you what the plan is?" she asked with narrowed eyes, "your plan might I add,"

Hunter held his hands up, "Everything worked out didn't it?"

Daniela huffed, "Yes, but you almost ruined it with your I'm so cool act! Like, seriously, I almost had a heart failure with how hard I cringed,"

"Key word," Hunter smirked, "almost." 

Blake laughed.

Danny crossed her arms and huffed, "I'm surrounded by idiots..."

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