Chapter 7 - Beware of the Mini Hacker

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August 4 - 4:34pm
Danny sat in her and her brothers shared room. She sat upon her bed with her computer in her lap. It was an old laptop, bulky and slow. But, it got the job done Plus, it was one of the few things of theirs that survived Lothor's attack on the Thunder Ninja Academy. 

She was downloading the programs and blueprints from off the disk on to her laptop. Which she would later use to program and design their own Tsunami Cycles. Danny had laughed at the name 'Tsunami Cycles' at first but the name was slowly growing on her.

Her brothers had went ahead to go talk to Lothor about the plan they had made. Danny had stayed behind at her own request once again. She had a weird feeling about Lothor, one she couldn't quite place her finger on. She didn't trust him.

Danny typed away on her computer as she put everything together. It wasn't long until she had everything placed on a sliver plater and ready to run. She smiled, proud of her work. She laced her fingers together and placed her hands behind her head as she lent back. But the pinging of her computer drew her attention back. A banner flashed across her screen. Made by Cam Wannabe . Danny's brow came together as she moved her cursor to hover over it, hoping more information would be shown, there was none. 

Cam Wannabe? As in Sensei Wannabe? Are we planning to take a father away from their son?
Of course not. Why would we do that?

Danny clicked off the banner.

Danny jumped as the door opened with a load bang. She'd been to focused to have noticed Hunter and Blake approaching the room. Once she calmed her racing heart she turned to the door to see Hunter and Blake standing in Ranger form, "Ninja form," they both said after the door closed behind them.

They demorphed, "Hey," Danny said, "how did it go?"

"You would have known if you had been there," Blake hinted at. Danny shrugged her shoulders and stated, "If I would have been there I wouldn't have gotten these blueprints and programs download as fast as I did."

Before Danny could continue her explanation she was almost sent off her bed as an expected weight brought itself down upon it. She clinched the laptop tight as she waiting for the bouncing to stop. With a racing heart Danny turned on Hunter who sat at her side on the bed. He had jumped on the bed besides her.

"Don't do that when I have my computer," Danny exclaimed, "I almost dropped it just now!"

"Yeah," Hunter shrugged, "but you didn't," 

Danny rolled her eyes.

Before Danny could continue her rant her laptop dinged, announcing a notification. Hunter narrowed his eyes at the notification trying to read what it said, "What is that?" He asked.

"It's access right into the Rangers home base..." Danny spoke in amazement, her eyes wide, "because this disk was made there I have a gateway into their mainframe."

Danny's heart jumped once again as Blake also jumped on to her bed. Danny sighed in frustration, "Okay, if either of you do that again..."

Danny began typing furiously at her keyboard. She first entered a code that would keep her secret from the rangers. Then the real work began. As she worked she noticed that not everything was available to her, "He was smart when making this disk," Danny mumbled to herself.

"What do you mean?" Hunter asked as he watched Danny type away.

"I mean, Cam, the guy who made this, was smart enough that he managed to block me from certain things within the mainframe," Danny explained, then she found something. A smirk grew on her face as she began attacking what she had found.

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