Chapter 5 - Thunder Meets Wind

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July 26 - 5:47am
"It wasn't my fault! The Kalzaks failed!" Zurgane exclaimed, standing before Lothor who sat upon his throne. 

"Zurgane," Lothor interrupted, "you're starting to sound like a bad movie. Take a break, have a latte." His tone was mocking, as he brushed his general off. He looked past him, "Let's see what some fresh blood can do," Lothor said as he sat upon his throne, "step forward Thunder Rangers."

Hunter and Blake stepped out from the shadows. Danny had stayed behind at her own request. Her head ached and quite frankly she didn't want to do much that day, plus it was to early in the morning and didn't want to get out of bed just yet.

"Thunder Rangers?" Zurgane questioned, turning to face the rangers. What right did they have to be included in this meeting?

No one paid heed to the general, "Our plan to infiltrate the rangers is on schedule Lothor," Hunter announced boldly.

Lothor crossed his legs whilst sitting upon his throne, his hands laced in front of him, "I don't care much for schedules. You see, I am a results oriented evil genius," Lothor spoke cockily.

"Don't rush us!" Hunter snapped at Lothor, "we know what we're doing."

"How dare you speak to Lothor that way!" Zurgane butted in, getting in Hunter's face, "bow and show some respect!"

Blake stepped between the two with a witty comment on his tongue, "Listen," he started, "while you're out there getting that latte could you bring me a non-fat one sugar cappuccino?"

"Oh! Oh!" Choobo, a goofy looking green alien with a weird looking backpack, jumped up and down, totally unware of Zurgane's mockery, "see if they have those muffin tops, they're sweet." 

Enraged Zurgane turned on the Navy Thunder Ranger, "Why you-" was all he could manage before he as on Navy, threating him as he gripped his shoulder and pulled back his fist. Blake stood his ground, his demeanor almost daring.

Hunter was close behind, promising retaliation as he gripped his thunder staff.

"Enough!" Lothor shouted at Zurgane, "how many times do I have to tell you? There is no 'I' in team." Zurgane dropped his fist, backing away from the Navy Ranger who was glaring at him.

"Yes, but-" Zurgane tried to explain himself but was cut off with a wave of Lothor's hand. Lothor turned to the two rangers, "Do what you have to, but remember, I won't wait forever."

Hunter and Blake nodded their heads in understanding before turning on their heels. Leaving Lothor to deal with the hot-headed general. 

"They are so yummy," Kapri said, watching as the two walked away, "yummy with a spoon,"

"Some nerve," Blake mumbled under his breath as them made their way back towards their room. Hunter chuckled lightly, "Don't worry," he bumped Blake's shoulder with his own, "That creep wouldn't stand a chance, not to mention I always got your back."

"Thanks Hunter," Blake smiled, "now come on. Let's go check on Danny."

Once at the door Blake and Hunter entered the room to found Danny curled up in her bed. Her body lost beneath the blankets, and her head the only thing that was seen. She seemed to still be sleeping.

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