Chapter 16 - Did You Think that Would Stop Us?

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August 9 - 11:34pm
   The beach was quiet except for the waves crashing against the sand. Two brothers sat quietly next to each other, neither one knowing how to start. But, as the time pasted they found comfort in simply watched the waves roll in. The one comfort in these few months.

   "What are we going to do Hunter?" Blake asked solemnly. His eyes leaving the endless ocean in front of them to find there way to his elder brother next to him. He sat on his back-side with his knees pulled up and arms hung over them.

   Hunter sighed deeply and shifted his position so his siting position matched Blake's, "We'll do whatever it takes."

   "But Hunter," Blake stopped for a moment to think on his words, "doesn't Danny seem off to you?"

   "We've come this far, we're not turning back now," Hunter countered, leaving Blake to sigh.

   "That's not my point," Blake claimed, "we are still going to avenge mom and dad, but what I'm saying is the Danny I knew felt bad for two days for killing a ladybug once. Now, she helped kill a monster and showed nothing. Sure, it was a monster but... Danny would have still felt something. Something's wrong..."

   "I know what you meant Blake," Hunter admitted, "I just, don't know how to answer that question because you're right. Danny is off, something is wrong. Hell, even I feel off. But, we don't know. It doesn't even seem like Danny knows."

   "Yeah, man. We're missing something," Blake said looking back to the ocean, "something big."

August 10 - 11:23am
   Have you ever had a dream come true? One so long waiting that you can't remember a time where it wasn't there? What if it happened today?

The day of August 10, 2021 Daniela Bradley's dream came true. Justice for her mother and father's death. The parents that truly cared for her and gave her Hunter and Blake. It just wasn't how she thought it would happen, nothing close. But, it was her dream none the less.

   "Everyone knows the plan?" Hunter asked his siblings who waited on his word to move. Both Blake and Danny nodded their heads confidently. They knew their parts in this plan. They wouldn't mess up. They couldn't afford it.

   Hunter offered a single nod before silently moving through the trees with Blake and Danny not far behind.

   Together the three siblings entered the portal that was hidden by a waterfall. Danny felt as through she were falling. The air rushed past her ears and her feet weren't touching the ground. It was a wonderful feeling, one that had her forgetting why she was there.

   Soon, the ground was placed back under her feet and the cool breeze was smothered by the hot humidity of a California summer. Danny was almost disappointed by this. But, now wasn't the time to be disappointed by the weather. She needed to focus.

   Blake surveyed the landscape of the Wind Ninja Academy. It was rather saddening Blake would say. The once beautiful building they had seen in photos was now gone. Nothing had been left behind. Only lonely piles of rubble and debris scattered about. What looked to be the fence that once surrounded the Academy were now wooden splinters and logs. Also, Blake noticed that there was no grass, trees, or any plants near the area.

Is this what is left of our Academy? Our home? What about the ninjas, people, who are still stuck up with Lother. What does doing this help them?
Hey there boy, can't have you knowing...

   "Blake!" Crimson called out to Navy who had zoned out. Blake snapped himself out of it, but as he ran to catch up with his siblings he couldn't help but feel as though he had left something behind.

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