Chapter 2 - We Get a Luxury Suite Aboard Freak Show UFO

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July 15 - 7:37pm

   Danny's plan to sit and wait turned out to be the thing to do. It was a long wait, long enough that Danny had lost sense of time. With the yelling and shouting of hundreds of ninjas it was hard to concrete on anything.

   Danny had been sitting anxiously in her bubble wondering what would become of her and the hundreds of others. Also, why in the world would evil space freaks decide bubbles was the best way to go about kidnapping a whole Ninja school. To Danny it seemed childish, however it seemed to be working well. The thought ended with the sudden jerk of her bubble. Once again she was flying through the air.

   Before she could recover from the movement the bubble disappeared with a load pop! She was free! She was in the air...

   Danny hit the ground flat on her back. With a load huff the wind was knocked from her lungs. She took a moment for herself as she got her breath back. Danny didn't have time to think before two more resounding pops! split the air and the heavy thud of two bodies hitting the ground besides her, "Hunter! Blake!" She heaved. They both turned to the sound of their sister's voice that lay between them, but before they could take action the three of them were hauled to their feet. Danny and her brothers once again found themselves being held by the alien creatures. With Shoulder-swords standing in front of them.

   He turned abruptly on his heel, "Follow me Kelzaks," came the rough, gravelly voice "Master Lothor wishes to see these three,"

   Hunter, Blake, and Danny were lead through the halls of the space ship. It was huge, they pasted room after room in a straight line. Shoulder-swords in the lead, then it was Hunter, Blake, then Danny whom were being held by Kelzaks. The odd centipede-faced creatures were called Kelzaks. Once again, interesting choice aliens.

   It wasn't a long walk from Point A to Point B, but being as Danny was possibly walking straight to an alien that may or may not kill her her mind had began to wonder and time seemed to slow. Time to let her think back on her short life.

   But, even with this slowed time, the walk was far to short. Soon Danny, Hunter, and Blake found themselves in a... throne room? That seemed to also act as their command center as well.

   Even as big as computer geek Danny was she wasn't interested in the complicated looking computers that ran the alien space ship. Her attention was drawn to the leader. 

   Closer now she saw that this leader was wearing a full face mask that only showed his eyes and mouth. The mask looked to be of a rough leather and was colored black and red. The open space between his eyes and mouth to the mask were filled in with black make-up. The leader was dressed in full black clothing and wore a long robe that would brush his ankles if he walked. The siblings knew this man was someone they shouldn't mess with, someone they shouldn't even be in the same room as. He sat with such confidence and Danny could feel the evil power that was in the air. It's source led to only one person.

   With a wave of his hand the Kelzaks let go, leaving the Thunder Ninjas in the middle of the room. But, they stuck around to guard all the exits. The wicked looking man smiled at the teens, "I am Lothor, the commander and leader of this ship and army."

He was met with silence. It was tense as the siblings looked between each other.  

Finally, it was Hunter who stepped forward, "What the hell do you want with us?" Blake and Danny stepped forward as well, flanking Hunter.

   Lothor put his hands up in mock surrender, that twisted smile turning to a smug smirk, "I want to make a deal with you three," he claimed.

   "Why would we make a deal with you?" Blake asked with disgust his voice.

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