Chapter 11 - The Child General and the Mini Hacker Strikes Again

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August 6 - 8:37am
   "No way!" Kelly laughed as she and Danny sat together in Storm Chargers, "Hunter did that?"

   "Yeah he did," Danny laughed, causing Kelly to burst out laughing again.

   "Oh man girl," Kelly chuckled, calming herself down. "you've gone some awesome stories to tell,"

Danny grinned, glad Kelly was enjoying her stories. Kelly placed her coffee down on the table that Danny and her were talking over. She reached down under the table and pulled out some papers that she placed in front of Danny.

   "What's this?" Danny asked, pulling at the corner of a page.

   "Well," Kelly folding her hands in front of her, "I wanted to know if you would ask your brothers- Dustin!"

   Danny watched as Kelly stormed up to the counter of her shop. Danny could see why she was going after him. Dustin was throwing things off the shelves, it seemed like he was looking for something.

   "You understand the concept of cleaning don't you?" Kelly question irritated, "things go on the shelf," Danny bit back a smile.

   "Yeah, uhm, I'm sorry Kel but I lost my backpack, I can't even think without it," he claimed, Danny listened intently now, getting up from her spot and making her way over to them.

"How long has it been missing?" Danny asked, Dustin turned to Danny only just realizing she was there.

"About four days now," Dustin answered, running his hands through his hair.

"Don't worry about it Dustin," Kelly tried reassuring the teen, "I am sure it'll turn up soon or later,"

"Yeah, I mean have you checked the track? You hang out there a lot, maybe you just left it."

"The track!" Dustin exclaimed, "thank you Danny you're a life saver!"

Dustin raced out of the shop letting Danny and Kelly to laugh at him, "my goodness that boy will be the end of me someday,"

"I am sure," Danny gave a humorless chuckle, with how much he's at the track it's amazing to Danny that he didn't check there first, "hey I got to go. Talk to you later!"

   Danny quickly left the store. Kelly gave a smile before shaking her head. She went to get her coffee when she realized she never got Danny's answer on what the papers were about. Kelly sighed, "They are both going to be the end of me,"

   Oh well, she would ask Dustin for Hunter and Blake's numbers later so she could ask them herself.

August 6 - 10:09am
   Hunter and Blake walked about Lothor's ship with Danny in front of them, "so today I found out Blue Bay has a Mall!" The brothers looked at each other. They were morphed so they couldn't see each other but they know they were sharing the 'oh-no' look.

   "I was thinking today we would go and- ouch!" Danny ran right into to Zurgane as they had been turning a corner. Danny stumbled backwards at the unexpected force. Luckily Hunter caught her before she ended up on her butt.

   "Out of the way Ranger," Zurgane growled as he tried to by past Blake. But unfortunately Blake side-stepped in the same direction.

   "If you want to dance at least put on some music," Blake joked, dropping his hand on Zurgane's shoulder. The shoulder-sworded alien glared at Blake with his nonexistent eyes.

   "Totally fine," Danny mumbled as she got her feet under her with the help of Hunter who lifted her up, "thanks for asking,"

   Danny's comment went unnoticed by Zurgane, "Why didn't you destroy the Rangers when you had the chance," Zurgane questioned with a dangerous edge to his tone.

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