Chapter 15 - How are You Okay?

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August 9 - 10:47am
Crimson, Navy, and Amber loomed over the Winds. Taking their time in decided how they would proceed. They watched as the Winds slowly began to lose their grip on the battle they fought.

   "They're still weak," Blake observed.

   "Yes," Hunter's voice was low, "this isn't how we are going to do this. We have to help them."

   "The monsters name is Amphibidor," Danny started keeping her eyes on the battle going on below "he's strong in strength and his jumping ability. His attacks mostly involve these two things also, his Polytrons that if made in contact with you can dehydrate the body, as Blake knows, or explode on his command."

  Danny moved to start their attack, like they had planned, but noticed Hunter and Blake looked at her, "What?" Danny asked as she continued to get ready, "I don't trust Lother and I can hack. Good or bad combo depending on how you look at it."

   Hunter and Blake were left to shake their heads. The three siblings got together as they ninja-streaked into the battle. Lightning struck the ground where they landed. A dramatic entrance thanks to Blake. They landed on the other side of the Winds. Making it so the Winds stood between the monster and the Thunders.

   The lightning sent a shock through the ground that disrupted the battle between the Winds and the monster.

   "Like fighting a giant frog wasn't enough," Dustin grumbled to himself at the sight of the Thunders.

   The Thunders called upon their Thunder Staffs. The long bow-staff appeared in each of the Thunders out reached hand. Together the Thunders charged towards the Winds but with a different target in mind.

   The Winds stood on guard but were surprised as the Thunders charged through them. Hunter lead the attack with the first strike. Followed by Blake who kicked the monster in his mid-section. Making it double over, holding his mid-section. Finally, Danny swiped Amphibidor below and behind the knees. The monster gave a yelp as he hit the ground.

   The siblings stood in a line behind Amphibidor as he struggled to climb back up to his... flippers. "You traitors..." Amphibidor growled, holding his mid-section is pain.

"What can we say?" Blake's tone turned hard, "we don't work well with dishonorable douche bags,"

Amphibidor charged the Thunders hoping to take them by surprise. But, it proved idiotic as the Thunders teamed up on the frog and took him down once more.

"Who are these guys fighting for?" Shane asked himself out-load. He watched along with Tori and Dustin as the Thunders continued to battle Amphibidor. They nursed themselves while the two fought. It was easy to tell the winner of this battle.

Navy and Amber was able to land a solid drop kick on the overgrown frog. A drop kick delivered from the both of them. It was enough to knock Amphibidor back 15 feet.

"Let's send a message," Danny said to her brothers.

"Crimson Blaster!" Hunter called out. In his hands appeared a hand blaster. It was colored crimson, much like the name suggests, and had the horns of the rhinoceros beetle.

"Navy Antler!" A hand weapon appeared in Blake's hand. It had a grip and a pair of the nasty pinches of the stag beetle. It was navy in color and Danny knew it had powerful power behind it's pinch.

"Amber Battle Bow!" Finally it was Danny's turn. In her hands appeared a bow of amber coloring. Danny smiled wickedly as she held the bow for the first time. Testing it's weight and pulling on the string to test the strength behind it.

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