Chapter 21 - Down and Out

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August 10 - 11:15pm
   "What did you do to us?" Hunter growled with a dangerous step.

   Lothor smiled wickedly, "Do you like it? It was a homemade spell."

   After receiving nothing but glares from the teens Lothor rolled his eyes, "Just gave me the hamster," he demanded, "we have business,"

   The Bradleys stepped protectively in front Sensei Wannabe.

   "Actually," Dustin started, "he's a Guinea pig."

   "And we are not giving him to you," Shane hissed joining Hunter's side as he stepped up.

   "Then I'll just take him," Lothor stated simply.

   No one moved. Lothor looked down upon the teens with almost boredom, "Oh please."

With nothing but a wave of his hand he sent a wave powerful enough to throw Blake, Danny, and Dustin through the air being as they were the closest ones to him. Blake and Dustin were sent backwards however Danny was hit in the side. Danny screamed and braced herself the best she could in the short time she had.

   Danny crashed awkwardly into the cave side. She felt the rocks cut at her skin and couldn't control as her head whipped towards the rocks. But, she would be forever grateful that her arm had been there as a cushion. Though, her arm didn't get the best out of the deal...

   Danny crumbled to the ground as stars showed in her vision. She could only watch as he moved pass her and towards Hunter, Shane, and Tori. This time Lothor crossed his arm across his chest, getting ready to blast the remaining rangers. But, Hunter had seen this move before. Suppose there was one good thing from having worked with him.

   Hunter flipped sideways into the path of the beam he knew Lothor would use and used the Gem of Souls as his own power. The beam hit the gem and rebounded back at Lothor. Lothor yelled out as the beam hit him. He disappeared into a flash of light.

   "What happened?" Tori asked, confused at Lothor's sudden disappearance.

   "You nailed Lothor! Man, how did you do that?" Dustin asked, having stumbled back up after Lothor's attack. He would be feel that in the morning.

   "The Gem of Souls," Hunter carefully opened his hand to reveal the stone, "I used it to protect us but, it broke."

   "Hunter," Blake called out to his brother. While the Winds had been questioning Hunter about the stone Blake had ran to Danny's side.

   Hunter quickly gave the broken stone to Shane and rushed over as well, "Danny, Danny, are you alright?" Both brothers crowded over Danny helping her turn over onto her back.

She groaned and grimaced at the action, "I've been better," her voice was strained and spoke of her injuries' for her.

   Carefully Hunter slipped his hand under Danny's neck and begun to sit her up, her scratched arms bled and she winced at the movement.

   "Sensei!" Shane exclaimed, "what's wrong with her?"

"It's really not bad..." Danny grimaced, not likely the attention.

   "Nothing that time can't heal," he claimed as he joined the teens on the ground, standing just before the Thunders, "although she, and you boys as, will be in need of assistance to heal properly."

   "We don't have a lot of money but, I'm sure we could do -"

   Sensei waved Blake off, "You will not owe anything," He said, "all I wish is to see you three healed once again."

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