Chapter Sixteen

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Harlow walked through the house, she was tired since her surgery on her heart six months ago she had really been taking it easy she didn't really leave the house much anymore she was afraid something bad would happen and her anxiety rose when Jax would leave for work or club things. Even though he assured her that the shooter was Shaun and Marcus, Harlow still was afraid that someone else was after her and the kids. Things were tough when her and Jax first came home and Harlow was constantly at the doctors because of her heart, where the bullet was lodged in once of her valves it wasn't pumping like it should. She could still function daily but she was also on the transplant list for a valve or a whole new heart. Jax seemed to recover nicely after his body took to a portion of Happy's liver so he was back to his normal self within a few weeks of being home

"Hey babe you okay this morning? Your looking a little weak" Jax said as he watched Harlow

"Yeah I'm alright just a little tired that is all" Harlow smiled

"Are you sure? I can stay home today and take you to see the doctor" Jax said as he touched her face lightly

Harlow brushed some of Jax's hair out of his face "I am perfectly fine baby don't worry about me"

"If you need anything just call me and I am not far I promise" Jax said

"I know baby if I need you then I will call you I promise" Harlow smiled as she watched Jax put his holster on and his kutte

"I love you" Jax said

"I love you too baby" harlow smiled

After Jax was out of the driveway Harlow hurried back to her bedroom and into the connected bathroom rummeging through the drawers she pulled out a box and looked at it. She knew it was a strong possibility that she could be pregnant but she didnt want to think about it too much. Right before she was released from the hospital her doctor informed her that if she were to become prenangt the chances of being able to carry this child would be slim to none because of the condition of her heart and if she chose to carry the baby then she would be risking her life to give life

Harlow waited for the test to finish and looked at it, a few tears coming down her face as the test was positive. Taking a deep breath Harlow ran her hands over her face and through her hair, she wasnt sure how she was going to even bring it up to Jax as he had voiced his opinion on if she were become pregnant. This was the part that scared her the most was she wanted another baby so bad, Jason was getting bigger and she wanted to have as many kids as she could but Jax was pretty adament that he didnt want Harlow to get pregnant because of all the risks that it carried with her heart the way it was, it wasn't intentional that Harlow got pregnant they both got lost in the moment and forgot to use protection

After calling the doctor to make an appointment Harlow walked back out to the living room where all the kids where. As she sat and watched cartoons with them she smiled and rested a hand on her flat stomach, knowing that she would fight Jax tooth and nail to keep this child


Jax walked into the club hoping that he could just go in the back and take a nap, he was feeling down himself the last few days, he knew he must of been coming down with something and he hoped he could just sleep it off. After seeing Happy sitting at the bar he chose to sit with him. Jax and Happy both had quit drinking since Happy gave Jax a good portion of his liver

"Hey Hap" Jax said as he lit a cigarette on thing he couldn't give up. He wouldn't smoke at home anymore around Harlow because of her heart he didn't want to stress her out more then he needed to

"Hey Prez, How's my kid?" Happy asked drinking his water

"She's been lookin a little down the past few days I'm hoping we aren't all getting sick" Jax said

"Is she just not sleeping? Maybe one of the kids is keeping her up" Happy said looking over at one of the crow eaters

"No, she just stays awake thinking she says. I know that she has been begging me for another kid" Jax laughed

"That isn't a good idea with her heart the way it is" Happy said running a hand over his bald head

"No its not, I've tried so hard to explain the risks to her and even her heart doctor has but she isn't listening" Jax said as one of the crow eaters handed his a glass of water

"Maybe I can talk to her? Or Gemma can. I almost lost her once I'm not going through that again" Happy said

"I know Happy I understand and I have stressed the same things to her but she is stubborn and wont listen to me. I just wish I could give her another kid but I'm afraid with her heart the way it is that she's gonna either die or the kid isn't gonna make it and that itself will send her into a place I don't want her back in" Jax said

"Alright I will talk to her and if I cant get through to her then maybe Gemma can. I mean even with Abel's heart problems and everything he goes through she is still willing to try and have a kid?" Happy asked

"Yeah this girl is crazy about having my kids. I think that is all she thinks about" Jax said

"Yeah well she loves being pregnant I mean look at how she was with Abel and Veda" Happy said

Jax laughed as he put his cigarette out in the ashtray "She loves being pregnant"

"I wish I could help her but I cant" Happy said

"We are just waiting on a new heart from someone but doc said it could be a while, so until she gets a new heart or they can figure out a way to repair her valve she cant get pregnant" Jax said

"Yeah have fun with that" Happy laughed as he slapped Jax on the back and walked away


Jax ended up home right after dinner but Harlow already had the kids bathed and ready for bed, Jax was a little upset since that was his only time with the kids was after he got home from the club and the garage he would give the kids a bath and watch about an hour of tv with them before he tucked them in bed for the night. When he found Harlow in the living room eating a bowl of ice cream he sat down next to her as she fed him a spoonful

"Sorry about putting the kids to bed I just really wanted ice cream and I didn't want to share with any of them" Harlow smiled as Jax kissed her lips

"Its okay babe, there is always tomorrow" Jax smiled as he leaned back on the couch an Harlow snuggled up to him

"Was that pistachio ice cream?" Jax asked looking at Harlow's bowl

"Yeah why?" Harlow asked looking at Jax

Jax ran his hand over his face, knowing what was going on. When Harlow was pregnant with Veda Harlow would constantly crave pistachio ice cream

"Please no" Jax said

"Please no what?" Harlow asked

"Don't tell me you are" Jax said as Harlow smiled knowing he would catch on eventually and that was her plan

"Why would it be such a bad thing if I was?" Harlow asked

"Babe we have been over this a million times on why" Jax said

"Maybe I just want to be happy Jax, and having another kid would make me happy. Why cant you just see that?" Harlow asked as she got up off the couch and stormed into the kitchen

Jax knew he was going to have to do a lot of convincing for her to terminate the pregnancy just to save her life, because he wasn't living another day without her.

Looks like Jax seems to be stuck in a rock and a hard place! Who thinks he is going to be able to convince Harlow that keeping the baby is a bad thing?!?!!?

Thanks again to everyone who read, comments and votes!!! I have no intentions on ending this story if you are in for a long haul!!! If you have any ideas you want to throw my way on what you would like to see happen to Harlow and Jax just shoot me a message!!! Much love XOXOXOXO

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