It's Getting Heated

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We got to the Waffle House and I as I got close to the driveway I saw a bunch of people talking in front of what it looks like to be a very expensive car. Once recognized their faces I saw Ayo , king Imprint and richhomiekey aka Key and other people I did not know.

OK guys this is my fan girl moment

I approached the group of boys and tried to say something but nothing would come out

Me: Oh my god I love all of you guys so much

Was all I Could say

I said all of you guys just so I would not make the others feel bad.

Imprint: Its amazing to meet you to Ms.Kerr your work is dope

Imprint took my hand and kissed it and I almost died. I saw Mateo give Imprint a look and slapped him on the arm.

Imprint laughed

Ayo: What up Tanya so before we go inside we are gonna do a dance video so if you want to be in it your welcomed to.

The fact that I could barely stand in front of all of them I don't think it would be a good idea to get up and dance with them

Me: No you guys go and do your thing

Ayo shrugged and gave the camera to me so I could film.

The experience was amazing they all danced amazingly and I think some of them were better than me.

The video ended and I could not help but laugh

Teo: What you laughing about huh? Is there something funny?

Me: obviously if I'm laughing

Keys: Look at the two love birds Hah

I saw Teo blush and that made me blush.

Mateo: Hey! I'm with Jade. Tanya is just a friend.

For some Reason I started to become sad when he said we were just friends

Me: yea

Mateo saw me and brought me inside the waffle house. He brought me to one of the tables far from the rest of the crowd.

Mateo: So how you doing?

Me: good?

Mateo: It wasn't a question😂

Me: Why are you being so nice all of a sudden!

Mateo: Cause your my friend

I frowned my face

Mateo: Hey! I saw you frown what's wrong?

I didn't answer. I don't even know why I got sad its not like we will ever be more than that because he's got jade and he looks pretty happy with her.

Oh wait. He was pretty mad at science after her fight.

Me: So anyways why were you so mad at science today?

It was Mateo's moment of silent as I saw the a nervous look on his face as if he was trying to find out what to say.

Me: Its fine if you don't want to tell me I was just being nosey

Mateo: No its fine. Its just that jade is always in some kind if trouble or in fights and when I find out the reason they start is because she's acting like a bully.

Me: Well if that's not the kind of person that you want to be with then you should not force yourself to be with her

Mateo furrowed his eyebrows

Mateo: Are you encouraging me to break up with Jade?

I panicked not knowing what to say

Me: Uh NO! Of course not all I'm saying is go with your gut. I'm pretty sure Jade is a very nice person and that your just over thinking all of this.

I lied.

Mateo: Your right I'm thinking this over to much I don't know how but maybe I am.

Mateo got up from his seat and hit me on my arm

Me: Ow stop

Mateo hit me again

Mateo: Make me

I rolled my eyes as I chased after him across the restaurant . As I was chasing him I saw Imprint and the others whispering to each other laughing.

I chased him all the way to the way back of the restaurant where there supplies were. As I was about to grab his hoodie I fell over the mop in the corner and fell on top of Mateo laughing. I looked up from the floor to his face and saw Mateo smiling like I never seen him before. Everything got quiet.

Mateo: Wah are you looking at?

Me: You duh

Me and him laid there on the floor together saying nothing.

Mateo: Hi

Me: Hey

It was time. I pushed my self up by pushing on his chest so I could be closer to his face . His eyes shimmered as he stared at me. I know I should not be doing this. He has a girlfriend. But I can't resist. I lean in closing my eyes and puckering my lips. I'm ready. I'm Ready!

Teo picked me up off of him and threw me on the floor.

Me: What the heck is wrong with you!

Teo laughed and walked away. Oh well I guess it wasn't meant to be. I rolled my eyes and got up slowly limping to the group.

Keys: What happened to you?

I shook my head and limped my way out of the restaurant just wanting to go home. Teo ran after me still laughing

Teo: Chill out I was just playing

He put his arm around me to help me walk so I would not put as much pressure on my body. He walked me all the way to my house and surprisingly he apologized for that unnecessary body slam.

Me: It's fine we were just playing around like we always do

Mateo: Yea well see you at school tomorrow good night

Me: Good night bye

He smiled and walked away. I Watched him walk all the way down the street until he disappeared down the sidewalk. I sighed and grabbed the door knob and pulled it intending to close the door until someones feet stepped in front of the Door and stopped me.

To Be Continued

Whats Up guys Sorry If this Story was not as long as they usually are I just wanted to give you guys something. Enjoy!

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