The Case

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    I wake up at 6:00 annoyed because it was Saturday and I didn't have to wake up this early. I attempted to fall back asleep but once I'm up I'm up. I get up from Mateo's couch and folded up the covers that were put out for me.I placed on the other small couch and thought to take a shower. As I walked around to find the bathroom I realized that I had no clothes to change into since all of them are at my house. I looked down at my city bloody clothes and scrunched my face. I had no toothbrush, makeup, a towel, a rag, or any clothes! I didn't want to bother Mateo if he was still sleeping so I just sat down on their couch and watched their TV.I kept it low and just slouched not knowing I would be slouching for almost 4 hours. Goodness when its the weekend Mateo does not waste any sleep time. Suddenly my stomach grummbked and I held it tightly feeling the hunger kick in. I instantly became weak groaning at the sound of my stomach. I pulled myself off the couch and went to the fridge to get some fruit and a fruit bar. Again I sat back down at the couch and continued watching AmericaGotTalent. 

At this point it was almost 12:00 and I honestly wanted to go home. I couldn't stay in these dirty clothes anymore. I turned off their TV and pushed myself off the couch. As I headed to the door I heard something from behind me. I turned around and saw Mateo coming down the stairs in his pajamas wearing a morning face.

Me: Morning

Mateo walked over to me and gave me a hug he attempted to give me a kiss hut I pushed his face away.

Me: I have bad breath, no

Mateo: So do I, I just woke up

He gave me a kiss.

Me: Well we have a problem

Mateo: What's the problem?

Me: I have no clean clothes, no makeup nothing to clean myself and I freaking stink.

Mateo: You sure do.

I punched him in the arm.

Me: I'm not joking this is serious.

Mateo: You're fine I'll ask my mom if she has any clothes you can borrow and we have neew packs of toothbrushes in the bathroom cabinets and unopened packs of rags and towels.

Me: What about my makeup!

Mateo: You can go fresh face for one day.

Me: But-

Mateo you're fine I'll be upstairs showering in my bathroom.

  Mateo left upstairs and I headed to the bathroom. I opened the cabinets and took out my toothbrush, rag, and towel. I brushed my teeth about 10 times and hoped in the shower. I washed the day old makeup off my face and did the other body parts. The hot shower felt good on body washing all of the dirt off of me making me feel nice and fresh. I stepped out and wrapped my towel around my body drying off. I lotioned myself up with their deliciously smelling lotion. I put on my undergarments from yesterday. I know its nasty but I don't think Mateo's mom can lend me everything. I opened the door a little bit to call out for Mateo to give me the clothes.He came running down stairs and handed me the clothes. It was a long pink blouse with white jeans. I out them on and folded up my old clothes. I brushed my hair and just let it hang down. There was no gel or cream so my edges were just flying everywhere. I picked up my old clothes and walked out the bathroom. I went to trash and threw my
Clothes away not wanting to see them anymore.
Mateo came down the stairs wearing a pink shirt his mask jeans and his other little accessories.

Mateo: See you look great!

Me: whatever .

Mateo: OK now to the topic of the day

Mateo came over to me and pushed me on the couch he sat next to me and out his arm around me

Mateo: What happened? What was wrong with you?

Me: You're saying "was" like its not still happening. Its always happening.

Mateo: Listen I know you have depression or whatever but-

Me: Its not whatever. Lets start over. Hi I'm Tanya. Im 17. I'm a famous dancer on YouTube. I suffer with severe depression. It can be controlled with pills or just the effect of positive people and friends constantly around me. It is triggered when anger sadness or confusion occurs. Since it is severe the mind blocks out any other factor of positivity until the person has lived  past the state of anger etc.

Mateo sat in silence

Mateo: What are you sad, mad , or confused about? I assume you're mad.

Me: Don't want to talk about it Mateo.

Mateo: Well you're going to have to.

Me: No

Mateo: please😢

Me: mmmughh. So my dad died before I was born so me and my mom have been by myself after my brother alweo died. So yesterday I walked into my apartment room and saw my mom with some other man. Just to let you know he was super ugly. I never met my dad but I just have some unknown connection with him . I don't know. So I was mad then I did some things and here we are.

        I took a breath and leaned my head on the arm of the couch.

Mateo: I'm so sorry about you're whole situation. I can't even imagine how you feel. But you have to learn to move past it. You have to think of you're mom. This might be her time to meet new people and move past.

Me: I know that but when I asked her what would dad think she said she didn't care!

Mateo: OK I don't know about that but you need to try to control you're depperession. So we are going to you're house now.

Me: Oh nooo

Mateo jumped up from the couch and held out his hand. I sat there in refusal. After 50 seconds he pulled me up but I squirmed  pushing and shoving. Mtateo held my arms keeping me still.

Mateo: Listen you need to do this so stop fighting and get on you're shoes.

I grunted and slipped on my shoes.

Mateo: Now let's go.

                   Hey guys hope you enjoyed. Remember to vote, follow, and comment what you feel.✌👉


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