Black Out

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At the end of third period I walked to my locker and packed away my things as usual. I headed to lunch alone and sat alone at the table. My small group of fans insisted on me sitting with them but I declined and told them it was fine. They really looked worried about me and didn't want to leave but they left anyways to I guess respect my wishes. Once the lunch aids called my table I went up and got my lunch. As I was walking back to my table suddenly someone pushed me down to the floor and made me spill my food on my clothes. I looked back to see who pushed me and it was Devontea and his crew.

Me: You guys r-really got issues

Devontea: And you really sound retarded " Y- you guys really have issues" please, get out of my face.

Everyone started laughing and I even saw Mateo snicker a little.I picked up my tray and threw it in the garbage. I looked toward Devontea and walked around the cafeteria.

Me: You know you guys really have a pleasure in making people feel bad cause you think you're better then everyone else.

They all nodded their heads and laughed.

Me: But I don't think people who have to hide that side of themselves from their parents should be talking.

There was a pause

Me: The fact that you have to hide it from your parents is the reason why you know it's wrong which I knew you do.

Me: And don't come to me with that nonsense "my parents already know how I act" because if my mother knew I was acting like this she would have beat the breaks off of me cause I wasn't raised like that and I know all of you weren't either but you want to act hard and put on a front but it's not working and never will. Now try me again see what happens.

Everyone sat in silence and just stared at me. I saw one of the crew members I think her name is Kiesha came and ran in front of me and then it went black. The last thing I heard was yelling and felt my head hit the floor. How did I let her do that? Gosh.

I woke up in a cold room but did not open my eyes. My head throbbed and my left eye was in excruchiating pain.

Me: Hello? Hello?

  I'm pretty sure I'm in the nurses office cause you know nurses never seem to notice your their even though they look straight at you but then turn back around and stare at their computer screen. I finally opened my eyes but could not seen out of my left eye. I started panicking and felt my face. Thankfully my eye was just covered by an eye patch. As I assumed I was in the nurses office. I called to the nurse 5 times and the 6th time she finally turned her head.

Nurse: Oh your awake

Me: yeah

Nurse: Yea ok well I have other patients to deal with so just put this ointment on your eye everyday and your set to get back to class.

Damn, first there is no one in here and even if  there were it's not like you would pay much attention to them anyways gosh. I got up and headed to the door but paused.

Me: One more question what period is it exactly?

Nurse: 7th

Atleast I slept throught the whole school day.

Me: Thank you

I left and headed to my class. Once I got there on the door it said all classes report to Mrs.Ramirez for class  today. That's the class Mateo's in, god. I walked around the whole school and once I actually found it there were only 10 more minutes left. I entered the classroom and the whole class stopped and looked at me. I stopped at the door and looked around. I looked at the smartboard and they were watching a movie that's rare. I looked at the teacher and she pointed to the chair next to Mateo of course. I sat down amd stared at the Smartboard everyone was still looking at me. Mrs.Ramirez stepped in and told everyone to watch the movie. She turned on the movie and everyone turned to the board. I sat there watching the movie amd I could see Mateo looking at me. I felt super uncomfortable and annoyed and I'm tired of feeling like that.

Me: Can you stop looking at me is there something you need if not watch the movie.

I know I was being super rude but oh well.

Mateo: What's the matter?

Me: Don't come to me with that nonsense you saw what's the matter and you laughed.

Mateo: It's really not that serious.

Me: Getting a black eye isn't that serious wow now I know how well you care for me that's fine.

Mateo: Listen I'm sorry ok but we both really need to chill out

At this point my emotions are all mixed up and I'm just overwhelmed.

Mateo: Listen I've been thinking and I've been really missing you and I know you've been missing me too.

I rolled my eyes and turned my head. Is he really serious? Suddenly he turned my face back to his and held my arms.

Mateo: I really want to get back together. I'm worried about you and we both need someone to be there for them at this time. Especially you.

I sat there not in shock but confused. I really don't know what to say I really miss him but I don't know if it's time.

Ok guys I hope you're enjoying the book but I need you're help! I can't decide if Tanya should say yes or no to Mateo so I want you guys to tell me in the comments. Which ever side has the most I will choose to be in the book. Peace out.

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