Really? Come on Now

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      I got myself ready for school doimg my everyday hygiene and makeup. I tied my hair up outting on a thrasher crop top and white jeans. I walked down the stairs to mom and Lenard sitting at the table eating breakfast. I think thats his name I forgot. I looked at Lenard still feeling uncomfortable about the situation.

Mom: Hey hun do you want some breakfast?

Me: No thanks

   I sat on the couch sprawling my legs and arms across it. I sat on my phome and  texted Isaiah, Malik, and Key in a group chat.

        Malik: You ok?

        Me: Yea

        Isaiah: You sure? You're acting really calm about it why?

       Me: Because I just dont feel like being mad. I'm tired of being mad about these type of things.

       Key: Thats cool

       Me: Ok I need to get to school I'll talk to you guys later

       Key: Peace

       Isaiah: Bye
        I put my phome in my backpack and kissed my mom goodbye. And said goodbye to Lenard

Lenard: Have a good day at school.

   I pulled my backpack over my shoulder and left my apartement passing bye Martin.

Martin: Morning Tanya you're looking pretty today.

Me: Thanks Martin

I left the building feeling confidemt due to Martins compliment.  I walked slowly  to school knowing Im going to have to deal with the school drama. As I was walking I saw Mateo and Andrea walking towards the school laughimg and chatting. Why is she going to my school. She lives so far away. And how all pf a sudfen she decided she was going to his school. I mean I guess she can take a bus but I didnt even know they pick up people that far away.

  As I was looking at them Andrea turned around and saw me staring. Her face perked up and she pointed me out to Mateo. He looked suprised to see me. They walked over to me, Andrea putting on her fake smile as she batted her eyelashes.

Andrea: Hey Tanya , its so good to see you again. I hope there's no hard feelings

  I rolled my eyes right in front of her face.

Me: Nope none at all, Anyways where you guys headed don't you have school?

Andrea: Oh yea! Great news. Well my mom called the school and they made an exception to let me in his school even though Im out of the general area that you're allowed to get in they made some exceptions so basically Im going to be attending his school! They gave me a special bus to deliver me to and from school its amazing.

  I looked to Mateo who stood  silent letting Andrea do all the talking.

Me: You going  say anything Mateo?

Mateo: No

  I said I wouldnt get mad but hes frustrating me. I walked in front of them not wanting to talk to them anymore. Mateo ran over to me like he allways does and starts complaining.

Me: Mateo leave me alone

Mateo: Whats the matter? You said you wouldn't get mad

Me: That doesnt matter! You're still supposed to care about me and consider my feeling

Mateo: I do

Me:No you don't instead of you know asking me if I wanted to walk with you to school you don't even think about it just forget about me and everything, its all about Andrea right

   Mateo grabbed my hands and pulled me close.

Mateo: I'm sorry ok. You know I still care about you

  Mateo leaned in about to kiss me until I pushed him off of me making him fall back.

Me: It's not going to work this time.

  Shoved passed him and quickly entered the school. I trudged through the school irratated. I got ready for first period and how awkward its going to be. I entered fist period  and sat next to Mateo who stared at me. After 5 minutes the teacher entered the class and behind him was Andrea strutting in like the so called princess she is.All the guys started whispering to each other laughing and making jokes.

Teacher: Good morning students so as you can see we have a new student.

Andrea: Hi I'm Andrea Green

Teacher: Ok Andrea where do you want to sit.

Andrea answered lightning fast.

Andrea: Can I sit next to Mateo. We now each other pretty well so I just thought

I rolled my eyes honestly I was happy that I didn't have to sit next to Mateo

Teacher: Tanya are you ok with changing you're seat?

Me: Sure am

  Mateo looked at me and threw his arms up.

Teacher: Ok well you can sit next to Joshua

I got up and sat next to Joshua honestly not upset with the person I sit next to. I actually thought  Joshua is pretty cute but I never thought anything of it. Dont think anything of this Im not forgetting about Mateo Im just saying Hes not bad looking.  
   Joshua smilled at me. I smilled back just to be nice. Once class started me and Joshua sprnt the whole time whispering to each other. Mateo did the same, talking to Andrea but every couple minutes he would turn to me and glared at Joshua. I dont know why because obviously if he can have friends of the opposite gender then so can I.

   I sailed through he first half of school fine occasionally passing by Andrea and Mateo talking by their lockers. Andrea would give me a light wave and Mateo would give me a pouty face. I rolled my eyes at both of their greetings and walked to my locker to put away my things for lunch. Once I turned around Mateo was rigth there resting his hands im his pockets. I failed to say anything and walked around him instantly getting pulled back to where I started.

Mateo: Lets go to lunch

   Did he not remember the whole conversation we had before?

Me: I'll go to lunch with you once you get rid of that girl


Me: Exactly

  I walked past him and to the lunchroom grabbing my lunch looking arou d the room searching for somewhere to sit. Suddwnly I saw Joshua waving his hand signaling me to sit next to him and his friends. I actually had a pretty good time and his friends were super sweet.

    It was the end of the day and I went inside my locker to get my backpack and found a small piece of paper crumpled in the corner. It read meet me at the park after school love Mateo. I rolled my eyes like allways and folded it up. I might as well go, nothing to lose right. I slammed my locker shut and exited the school.

      Hey guys hope you enjoyed the book and as allways follow me, vote, and comment what you feel♡


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