Revenge Is Delicious!

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I packed my things in my locker and swung my backpack over my shoulder  ready to head out the door until someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back. I looked and saw it was Mateo smiling like it was the funniest thing.

Me: Stop

Mateo: Chill out.. Anyway want to head the park

 I was feeling kind of tired wanting to go home but I realized that the parks was located right next to the middle school. This meant I could show how fake Jade is without making Mateo think I'm always on Jade about everything. But I'm pretty sure he won't care since he was all up on me earlier.

Me:Yea sure

Mateo: Ok lets go

Mateo put his arm over my shoulder as we walked to the park. We said nothing the whole way there but every 5 seconds I could see Mateo staring at me from the corner of his eye. 

We sat on a bench located in the front of the park so we could see the Middle school from the closest view.

The kids did not get out yet so I was just rocking back and forth waiting for the bell to ring and see the kids pouring out of the school. 

Mateo: So....... sorry for earlier ya know the kiss. I just- I don't know what got into me

Me:Uh yea its fine. Reminds me I never apologized for the outburst I had I'm really sorry I did not mean for you to hear that much I'm pretty sure you don't even care

 I immediately got sad once I said that because it made me think about how unhealthy I am about this depression thing. I looked down at my hands embarrassed.

Mateo: ...Hey, stop

 He turned my face towards him.

Mateo: It's totally fine you just said what you felt and you have no reason to apologize alright

 I nodded my head slowly

 Out of nowhere I remembered about my channel and how I needed to post something. The good thing is that I had my camera in my backpack.

Me: Mateo, So I was wondering if you would want to do a Youtube video with me? I have not posted in forever and I was wondering if  you wanted to be my comeback guest.

Mateo: Sure, I hope you know everyone's going to be so excited when they see us together  and start shipping us and stuff.

Me: Heh Yea its fine though

 I took out my camera from my backpack and placed it facing the swings.

Me: What song do you want to dance to?

Mateo: Xo Tour Lif3

We got into our position making sure the camera was on. Finally I played the song and we began. 

 Once we finished  We were both sweating like crazy and personally I just wanted to go home until I finally heard the bell. 

 I jumped in excitement. I looked towards the school and began watching the kids pour out.

Me: Mateo come look don't you remember when you were in middle school wasn't it amazing?

Mateo: Uh yea I guess

 Mateo came and looked with me and sooner or later we both saw Jade coming out with a purse in place of her backpack. I smirked.

Me: Woah is that Jade?

 I pointed to her and Mateo's mouth dropped wide open. He looked speechless.

Mateo: What the heck is she doing there!?

 Trying so hard to keep a straight face

 Mateo climbed the fence out of the park and walked straight to the school. I followed behind him trying so hard not laugh out loud.

 Mateo Finally got on the school ground and pushed through all the kids to finally get to Jade. She was talking with some boys looking ghetto and whatever and Mateo yanked her by the shoulder forcing her to turn to him.

 As she finally saw who tugged on her she froze.

Mateo: Why are you here and you better have a good explanation!

Jade:I-I - I 

 I snickered not meaning for it to come out

Jade stretched her neck to see me grinning at her.

 Jade instantly became mad

Jade: Wait hold on, Tanya did you tell him I go here? How did you find out!

Mateo's face hardened in anger realizing that feeling in his gut was true.

I smiled all gay

Me: What do you mean I didn't even know you went here!

Jade: Mateo! Aren't you supposed to mad at her! Remember when I told you she punched me and talked a bunch of trash and stuff like that?

So that's what she said

Mateo: She told me she didn't

Jade: Ok and, she's a liar!

Mateo: I think your the liar here! Why did you lie to me!? You told me you were 17!

Jade: I-I-I I just thought you wouldn't date me if I was 14 and you were 17

Mateo: I don't care about that Jade so it would not have mattered!

Jade: So you forgive me!

 She must be dumb

Mateo: NO way! You lied to me and I can't stand liars! We're over Jade

 Mateo walked away on that note with a hard face.

 Jade angrily stared me down. I smiled a huge smile and turned on my heels following Mateo back to the park.

Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter was shorter than usual I just wanted to give you something since all of you want me to post every 5 seconds XD

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