†The Crux†
Weaved through air;
Flowed in water;
Singed with fire;
Buried beneath the earth.He who became one,
Lost his own vessel;
Enchained and gyved;
Invisible to thy naked eyes.
His blood is the key.
CRUX ‡ The Secret Light
FantasyIn the time of the old there was a forgotten story, it was kept hidden and might be only known to few. There was a time, when all beings coexist to live in peace with each other. But, just like any dark history, the time that seems to be without end...
†The Crux†
Weaved through air;
Flowed in water;
Singed with fire;
Buried beneath the earth.He who became one,
Lost his own vessel;
Enchained and gyved;
Invisible to thy naked eyes.
His blood is the key.