This is weird...

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He puts his arms on my waist and I put my arms around his neck.
He starts to....KISS MY NECK?!?!?!?! This is going a bit extreme and I start to moan.
5 min later don't worry they didn't know what
We fall asleep hugging each other.
Third person view
Gold sneaks in and sees Funneh and Alec asleep together. She whisper squeals and takes so many pics. She goes back downstairs and shows everyone what she took pics of. "THEY'RE ACTUALLY SLEEPING TOGETHER!!!!! MY SHIIIIIPPPPPPPPP!" Gold shouts. All the girls squeal and Jack and Evan are frozen as a statue. Even Yandere squeals. (Yandere is kinda nice in this)
Time skip in the morning and Funneh's p.o.v

Me and Alec wake up and we jump a bit. I accidentally fall off the bed and land on the floor. "IM SO SO SO SORRY!!!" We both shout at the same time. We both look at each other and say at the same time "Pay back!" We go downstairs and everyone's still asleep.
"I get Jack and you do Yandere" I whisper and he nods ok. I drag Felicia out of her sleeping bag and put her beside Jack with her hugging him.
When we were little he hated mint. I'll put mint in his water bottle with 3 ants. Alec draws on Yandere's face. "We should draw on everyone's faces" I whisper. He agrees and we draw on everyone's faces.
5 min later
We finish and go to sleep on the bed but this time he let me have the bed and he sleeps on the floor. "Night" I say "Night" he says and w me go back to sleep. Wait we have school tomorrow...ugh.
At 5 am
"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I hear the girls and boys yell and crash down the bedroom door. "AGH!" I yell and jump off the bed and onto Alec's lap. He wakes up and with girls and boys looking angry. "SORRY!" Me and Alec meep and slowly get our stuff. We get all of it and run past everyone we crash down the front door and keep running. "How far is your dorm or house?" I ask while running. "We can go there! Just turn we are!" He says and we slow down. He opens the door with his keys and let me in first. I look around "Is this all yours?" I say still looking around. "It's honestly not a lot but my mom,sister and I live here. My dad left us" he says locking the door. A girl with that looks like this

       Well I can see that her and Alec's eyes are the same

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Well I can see that her and Alec's eyes are the same. She smiles at me with excitement. She comes to me and squeals "HI IM ALY!! ALEC'S Sister are you his GIRLFRIEND?!?!?! PLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE!!! You look like a keeper!! I feel like you--" before she finishes he covers her mouth with his hand. "Sorry Funneh Aly's a person who wants me to have a girlfriend and she chooses if she like her or not. Sorry" he says scratching the back of his head. "It's fine. Besides I'm like her. Wanting to see my older brothers girlfriend. Besides I just reunited with my older brother and--OH SHOOT they're gonna seek revenge in us!! And we have school!" I say. Alec and I face palm our forehead. "Aly give Funneh one of your uniforms and we could all get changed. Me and Funneh will wear hoodies and sit at different tables so they don't realize it's us and Aly. If anyone asks where we are say that we're sick. Now go!!" He says and Aly leads me to her room. "Here you go and the bathroom's down the hall" she says and hands me a uniform...

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