The next morning

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Funneh's POV

I open my eyes to see a bare chest in front of me. I slightly look up to see red hair. WAIT SO THAT WASN'T A DREAM?! EEEEEK IM ACTUALLY HIS GIRLFRIEND!!! My face turns so red once I remember that I was on his chest. "Morning Funneh" Alec says while waking up. "Morning Alec" I say and pretend that I just woke up.

I look over to Gold's bed and see Kyran in the bed with his arms around her waist. "Come look at this Alec!" I whisper squeal to him and he comes over with a shocked face. "We shouldn't bother them. I'm going to take a shower" I say and he nods ok while I go to the bathroom with some clothes.

I lock the door and start the shower.

Time Skip After she's done showering and changing

I'm done! I go out of the bathroom to find a red head surprising me with a hug in my waist. I giggle a bit and say "Hey!" "You wanna go eat at the breakfast buffet with the others?"

(A/N- me-🤤🤤🤤 breakfast buffet...)

"Sure!" I say and he picks me up and puts me on his back. I'm wearing the same thing as yesterday but with a shirt. If you don't remember then I had a jacket, bikini top,shorts and headphones on. But I put my headphones on my neck and put on a black and white tank top that says 'ice'.

We reach the buffet and I get off Alec's back. I get a plate and get pancakes and orange juice. I sit down with the rest. Draco....uh well he got almost one of everything and Laxi was having an eating competition with my dad. "Laxi can you please stop it. If you get super full you'll burn stuff with lightning!" I say to him and he rolls his eyes. "Says the girl who froze almost the whole village as kids" he says. "You did that?!" Rainbow,Alec,Gold and Draco say in unison. "Well it's kinda Laxi's fault! He made me mad and when I was little I couldn't control it!" I say.

Time skip to when they're all done

"Is it just me or did I forget something?" I ask. "I actually feel like I forgot something too..." Alec says. "Me too" Gold says. "Me three" Kyran says. We all go into deep thought and the others that didn't feel like they forgot something just look at us in confusion.

Did I forget it was my job application today? No that's he first Thursday of next month.....Thursday.....hmm.

"Now I remember! Today was supposed to be the double date!" I say. "Oh yeah! We must have forgotten because of the resort thing. Then where will we have it then? And what are we supposed to wear?" Gold says. "I was looking forward to it too!" Alec and Kyran whine in unison. "I have the perfect idea!" Dad says. "Go on..." Alec says. "Well so you guys can get ready and relax you all can go to the saunas and I can make a reservation at a restaurant" he says. "Ok! That's fine with me" me and Gold say in unison. "Ok then go and I'll make the reservations. Bye!" Dad says and we start going to the saunas...

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