Twins for the day

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Yay lunch! I get 3 slices of pizza. "Why you so hungry?" Alec asks. "If you ever lived with Gold you would know. She burns the food every time" I whisper to his ear. Gold (totally didn't put God there just to say)comes up to us and we put our goods on. "Would you two like to sit with us? Our friends Alec and Funneh aren't here probably cause we scared them to death. Plus you two are so cute as brother and sister aka twins!! You guys really look alike!" She says. "Thanks?" I say "sure!" Alec says.

      Me and Alec bring our food to their table. "This is Kyran,Yandere,Valerie, and Senpai! Valerie and Senpai are together and the rest of us are single! We're planning to do revenge on Alec and Funneh cause. Wait. If we tell you do you both promise us to not tell them? Funneh has the same color of hair as you two but Funneh doesn't curl her hair at all! As in she would never in her life curl a bit of her hair! And she has ocean blue eyes. Alec has red hair and red eyes. The same red eyes as you two have" Gold says. Se leans in to both me and Alec and whisper "Funneh likes Alec and I think Alec likes her too cause last night at a sleepover we had we dared them to kiss each other a lot in Yandere's room and sleep together. And they actually did it!" She says. Me and Alec freeze up. "Do. Do you guys know them?" Kyran asks. "We're from the Philippines and we knew them! I would play with Funneh and A--Jackson would play with Alec! We haven't seen them in forever! They were both so cute when they were little! I would put on some contacts the same color as her eyes and wear the same clothes as her! We looked exactly the same! Then we would let the boys guess which ones which. But they would know which ones which cause I had a scar over my eye" I say.

Time Skip After School

      We walk out of school and keep walking with Alec to his house. Kyran is my brother so it was weird for me.

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