(Idk what to call this)

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Funneh POV

"So it's settled! Dad will pay it since he's the adult!" Draco said. Everyone nodded in agreement except for Dad who was.....😰. Now that that's settled--" "I NEED TO TALK TO FUNNEH FOR A SECOND!!" Laxi yelled and pulled me to a room. "I've been thinking............me and Lunar are Seniors so after collage I'm planning to propose to her. Where do you think k I should do it?" He asks worried. I start to squeal but he covers my mouth before I could. "Your her youngest sibling and I trust you the most. This is serious" he says and I calm down. "Why not under the  Sakura tree where you asked her to be your girlfriend? You could bring her to a picnic there and then BAM! Tell her how much you love her and then propose! Easy peasy!" I say and smile. He looks at me confused and then pops his head out of the door then says "Hey Alec! When has your girlfriend been so good at love advice?! I mean really! She's good at this!" He says and they all look at him confused. "YOU AND LUNAR BETTER GIVE ME SOME NIECES AND NEPHEWS!!" I yell at him and dad and Draco faint unconscious. "I knew I should have told your dad about this... and especially Draco..." he face palms. "What do you mean Funneh?" Alec asks.

"AftercollageLaxiisplanningtoproposetoLunarandheaskedmeforadvice!!" I say really fast. Then Draco and Dad's faces turn pale. "Thy are super dramatic!" Me,Alec,Laxi and Aly say in unison. "Now you better take good care of charcoal for me lightning rod" I say glaring at him. "If I don't?" He asks.

"I'll hunt you down then rip off your hair then make it into a cake then shove it into your mouth then put tons of ice cubes in your mouth that it will kill you" I say in a death tone and he shivers a bit. "How did you even form a relationship with this demon?!" Laxi shouted to Alec. "Maybe because you and and your girlfriend are the main people who make her pissed and not me" he says. He does have a point!

Sorry it was short! I've been having a bit of a writers block so I won't be able to update much. Also because school is coming up so that means homework. -_-

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